Denied darck's staff AppealZ


Veteran Member
↬ IGN (In-Game Name): darck
↬ Age: 16
↬ Region (EU/NA/Other): EUROPE
↬ Do you have any previous staff experience?:yessir
I was staff on:

SagePvP (I'm a snake fr)






AND loads of more small servers not worth mentioning homie

↬ Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I would like to become staff for a variety of reasons,
Reason #1
I don't enjoy playing this game as much as before. So instead of playing HCF as a player, why not go into my old habit of staffing?

Reason #2
I cannot stand the thought of people having to wait so LONG to get support in teamspeak, so instead of them having to wait I'd love to support them!
I also am very active so nobody will ever have to wait for support again if you give me staff! I also love to mute people for saying stuff that probably shouldn't be said! I enjoy the thought of supporting the teamfighting community & baseraiding as we all have been in that position where someone pearl glitches or block glitches or in the teamfighting space somebody cleans or poisons the other player even if they're not supposed to!

Reason #3
We all have been in that situation, about to log off the server because no staff are online to help you after another player has ruined your experience by abusing a glitch or doing something they aren't allowed to. Well as a staff member I tend to always be in teamspeak to help or spectate teamfights going on. So I am always there to help.

Reason #4
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is better then that feeling to ban that cheater or help that player. Being a part of a staff team is very much like a real job (only your not getting paid) by that I mean you help people that are in dire need or you make the gaming experience much more fun for the players which I love doing!

↬ If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I would improve their experience by doing support rooms on a daily basis, muting people who are either flooding chat or being extremely disrespectful/toxic or racist. I know bans come later on but it would also feel great to ban some players for abusing a glitch or not following the servers rules. I also enjoy screensharing so I would try getting SS verified & screenshare players I have a feeling or/ are cheating.

↬ If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
If I said I would rate myself a 10 on the honesty scale I'd be lying, so I'd give it a 7-8/10 for the reason being I'm a human, I sometimes lie for a good cause or a bad cause. I tend to try to be honest at most times but sometimes you have to lie for the better.

↬ Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)
I'm not sure, but I've staffed with multiple staff members in the past, such as 30first, Aceous, Avoidably, and I have talked to LuckyJor a couple of times.
↬ How active can you be (Hours per day): weekends prob 6-8 hours if i'm not going out or busy, and weekdays maybe 2-6 hours at most if I'm not out as mentioned.

↬ What is your discord @?: law#2010

↬ Additional Information (optional):