Denied DaddyQuaiz


IGN (In Game Name): DaddyQuaiz

Age: 13

Timezone: CST

Country: USA

Do you own a quality microphone?: Yes.

Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?: Yes
Do you have any previous Staff Experience?:
ExemPvP -
Player Count: 20/30
SorixPvP -
Player Count: 30/40
Proof:None as it being a older server


Why do you want to become Staff?:
I wan't to become staff because Sage seems to have a good player base and I've wanted to be staff on SagePvP ever since I first started playing it I feel that I would be a great addition to the staff team and be able to help players when they need it the most and I do have some good experience for staffing on servers and I want to be able to record staff series and make good videos on the server and make the server a place for all people who want to play.
Why should we accept you as a Staff?:
I have fairly good experience know how to staff I'm very fair and patient when it comes to things like pulling a player into TeamSpeak. I'm always wanting to enforce the rules and can be very active like I was on ExemPvP and I feel that I could be a very good addition for the team. I like to give players a second chance to make their problems fix but I also make sure that I'm being fair about the punishments that I give out. I can make sure that I'm always on when I'm needed to be on and can help someone who needs it. I
Can any staff member vouch for you?:

Additional Information:


Active member
- Professional Staff Member
- Mature
- Really dedicated
Last edited:


I literally suck at everything I have ever tried.
Hello @Dipseyy, thank you for taking the time to apply for a staff position on our network. Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one or more of these reasons;

- Lack of Playtime,
- Plagiarism,
- Immaturity / Toxicity,
- Lack of detail / Experience,
- Failing to meet the requirements.

You will be eligible to re-apply after two weeks. We suggest you take this time to improve your application.