Denied Culur's Staff Application [EU]

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IGN (In-Game Name):




Do you have any previous Staff Experience?:
Yes, quite a few. This includes but is not limited to:

HCDreams: Helper - I was staff on HCDrems with my friends for a while. but then one day me and the owner got in to a argument. and he demoted me and banned me from the ts and discord. then my friends left with me (They where Mods)

PvPTemple: T-Mod - I was T-Mod on a server called PvpTemple that released a while ago. It did fairly well with 300-600 players every Practice reset and taught me a lot about communication skills as well as dealing with players.

HolyHcf: Moderator - I was staff on the old HolyHcf lounge communicative discord server. It helped me a lot with being social and helping out other members. It was for small servers getting popular, and just for the HCF community to hang out.

SyncPvP: Moderator - I was a Moderator on SyncPvP awhile back. It was run by a dedicated owner and we got 15-30 people every SOTW. I resigned to staff on Sync.

Why do you want to become Staff?:

I have good communication Skills
Great knowledge on how servers and plugins work
I'm often Online and try to be as active and positive on the chat as possible
I enjoy helping other players in need of help
I'm a really serious person when it needs to be
I have a great past experience with Moderating servers. And

I want staff on SagePvP because I believe that Sage has a lot of potentials and is a great community for players to play on. I've played on Sage for a while (Got a new acc) and have always supported it with it being buying ranks, . I love making people happy and being a staff member is the best way to do that. I want to help the community in the best way I can. Being a staff member takes a lot of responsibility and I believe I can handle it. I've always been responsible since I was very young and I believe that will help me greatly while I'm staffing. I've always enjoyed making people smile and it's just a good feeling overall when you've improved someone's day. I believe in being fair to everyone despite your relationship. Being a staff member is a very important job and needs the right person to do it. I'm fit for the job and do everything in my power to make sure that I'm doing it correctly. Being a staff member is important to me and I don't treat it like a joke. I can contain my temper which is very helpful in most staff situations and can help you calm another player down or understand how a situation can be dealt with. I've taught myself over time to be a quick thinker and it helps me in situations where you don't have a lot of time to react. I have good communication skills and enjoy socializing more than anything. Being a staff member is fun to me and help me deal with some real-life situations that can occur. Minecraft has an interesting community and not everyone can say that they've had a leadership position on a server. Another reason I want to be staff is to benefit the server is a positive way. If there are cheaters or rule-breakers it makes the server not as fun and new players cant enjoy it as much as if everyone had the same advantage.

The main reason I want to be a staff member isn't for myself or for power. It's for the benefit of others and the server. My best interest is in helping this community grow and picking up some experience on the way. I like to moderate chat and just make the community as toxicity-free as possible. Being a part of a support team really means a lot to me and occupies my time when being on the server. I would like something to dedicate almost all of my time to moderating the chat and making sure all is well on the server.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I am a very well spoken and easy to talk to person, and i would improve the player's experience by being extremely active, helping and understanding their problems, I always try to be nice to players and staff so they can repay the kindness, and i respect the ideas of everything and everyone. I am willing to receive constructive criticism and to improve myself through them, + I've got some knowledge about ScreenShares. Every day I learn new things and new methods. I am sure that I never will be bypassed because I am sure about me.
I know all rules of this modality, I've always played on HCF servers.
I've never made some mistakes, I know how to help people and how to resolve their problems.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

would rate my honesty a solid 8.5, because I have never felt the need to lie to somebody, I don't believe in the saying "what they don't know can't hurt them", I personally find that being the most honest person possible and having good energy will attract good energy, basically saying that the more humble and honest I am, the good people will come into my life, therefore if I were to get accepted, if I am being a very humble and honest person I will have a good reputation on the server for being that staff member you can go to for anything, even your own personal problems I am willing to take the time out of my day to make sure your alright.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?:

No, no staff know me at the moment

Additional Information?:

I'm a 15-year-old male from Ireland. I enjoy playing Minecraft and some other games. I have had discord for a while and enjoy joining communication discord servers and being social. (Eoins old account)​
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