Denied Contesters staff application

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IGN: Contester
Age: 19
Timezone: Eu
Country: England
Do you own a quality microphone? Yes sir
Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?: I have Discord and team speak
Do you have any previous staff experiences?: Yes i was staff on Faithful on a different allies. i was staff also on Ostia witch is a regular faction server
Why do you want to become staff?: Because i think sage is a good server and i like a cheater free server
Why should we accept you as staff?: Becuase im willing to learn, and i am good at my job when i have one, i will make the server cheater free (well try to)
Additional Information:


Active member
-1 Lack of detail
Add more thing to you'r staff application, like Do you have any previous staff experiences? / Why do you want to become staff? / Why should we accept you as staff?: But

Good Luck!
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