Denied ConnerOP Staff Applications

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IGN (In-Game Name): ConnerOP
Age: 18
Timezone: CST
Do you have any previous staff experience? (If so, list them below):
PhoneHQ I was SR mod i was promoted For Admin rank but not yet
And I be staff SRmod i banned them and more
Why would you like to become a staff member?:

yes I will become a staff member? and More A good idoa I will banned them and Move them ts
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
Will i got accpet on the amd a good Idoat mute the chat
Can any current staff members vouch for you?:

no i can
Additional Information?:No


Veteran Member
add detail
add a color scheme
add proof of ur previous experiences
good luck!


Active member
- 1

Lack of detail.

I have read a lot of applications and see many
people not adding enough detail to their application.
They do not know YOU and you do not know THEM!
They want to know your history and they do that with the detail
you add into your application. It is hard for a manager to accept
someone that they do not know. Adding detail will make them
learn more about you.

No provided proof.

As i have mentioned before, they do not know you, you do not
know them. They do not know if you are trustable. They do not know
if you are lying. But at this stage, your gammar shows me that you
have lied about your experience.

Grammar mistakes.

Oh my god, I couldn't even read your application. I am very sorry
to say but you made a lot of grammar mistakes. Please reread
your application multiple times. Because believe me you made
grammar mistakes. If you are from another country like me that
doesn't speak english than just use an app called grammarly, believe
me i recommend you to use it. Its not cheating and many servers
even ask you to use it.

No effort put into the application.

At this point i have the feeling this is just a dumb troll application,
you have less words than i have in this message. If you want to get
accepted put effort into your application. You have enough time,
do not send your application when you are done. Go away from it
for an 1 hour or more. Go back and see what you want to add, do this
multiple times and you will have a great application.

Dm me on discord if you want tips
for making a better application
Discord: UrAmazing#6120


Established member

- Lack of detail
- Lack of experience
- Lack of proof of experience
- Potential troll application


- Brilliant Application that has all questions answered, and they are all answered perfectly.
- Not much else to say.



Thank you for taking the time to submit an application, but unfortunately it’s been denied.

- Lacking detail throughout your whole application

You may re-apply in 2 weeks time. Please take this time to revise your application if need be.
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