Denied Confiable's Staff Application (NA)

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Well-known member
IGN (In-Game Name):
Region (EU/NA/Other):
Do you have any previous staff experience?:
SagePvP (
I was staff on Sage before being demoted. The reason I was demoted is because I unbanned somebody banned by anticheat, when I was not supposed to because I did not have AC Logs to really prove it. (I learned my lesson.)
Job as Staff: My jobs on SagePvP were watching over chat, handling Support Rooms, rolling back DTR / inventories due to a hacker banned by AC, or because something happened with the server, DTR Evasion.
HCRealms (Mod)
I was a Mod on HCRealms before resigning, mainly family issues but the server was at an all time low and no longer even got over 40 players on SOTW.
Job as Staff: My jobs on HCRealms were simple but big, I had AC logs, so handling anticheat ban appeals, watching chat, DTR Evasion, and refunding.
(I don't have concrete proof but I have a vouch from a staff member at the time)

FaithfulMC (Helper)
I was a Helper / Trainee on Faithful before becoming inactive with it resulting in demotion.
Job as Staff: I was still being mentored at this time, I did not do much except watch chat, warn players, and listen to Support Rooms with higher staff.
Proof: Unfortunately, I have no evidence or vouches of this staffing experience.

NyxGG (Sr-Mod)
I was a Sr-Mod on Nyx before the server closed. The server never fully released, we only had a few small betas to test anticheat, and other developer related stuff.
Job as Staff: Mentor new staff and help out with ideas and developing, couldn't do much as Staff in the betas we held.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
There are many reasons as to why I would like to become a staff member at SagePvP. I want to become a staff member on SagePvP because there are many players on at my time at night, and not enough staff helping or moving them into support rooms in TS. I want to be that guy, the guy that is always on and moving in support rooms, always making sure everybody is keeping it non-toxic, the one person to make that difference and make the game enjoyable for everybody again. Lets face it, this game has been rapidly depleting now that everybody is cheating and being toxic. I want to fix that, I know I can't bring back the entire community, but I want to at least slow down the depletion, and even make people come back to the game. SagePvP is one of the only servers in the entire HCF Community that is holding up, and I want to make sure SagePvP is up until nobody else plays anymore. I want to bring ideas to the Managers to help make the server bigger and better and succeed. All of those were side reasons, the main reason is because I honestly just love to help people and watch people have fun playing the game they love and have a great time on the server.
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
I would improve the players' experience by being the best Staff Member I can be; stated below.
I am unbiased. I would never let somebody take advantage of my soft spots no matter how close they are to me. I would also never take a bribe offer or do something against the rules for my own profit.
I am a very responsible person when it comes to being staff, or even a human being in general. If you make a mistake, own up to that mistake. I like to learn and thrive from my mistakes to make sure I no longer make the same mistake. I personally believe that making mistakes is one of the most human things you can possibly do and they are good for you. Making the same mistake over and over is when it becomes a different story. I will not blame others for a mistake I made, or make an excuse to get out of something I did.
I am a very respectful person, you should respect one another to gain trust from them. I try to help people in many other ways other than staffing. I always listen and follow directions from people that have a higher ranking staff to learn from them and be a better me. If you show a player respect, they will respect you back and everybody will be happy. If a player is not being respectful, my level of respect will not change and I will uphold my respect.
I am Mature and know how to handle situations quickly. Maturity is one of the biggest and most important things in order to be Staff, better yet, in the entirety of life. If you're not mature, how are you going to handle being in support rooms with people who try to be toxic so you just abuse your power and do something you're not supposed to. If you are not mature, you will not be able to do the job quickly and correctly. If I were to be in a support room with somebody threatening me, I would be mature and handle the situation to the best of my ability without harming SagePvP.
There are not a lot of servers out there that motivate me to play Minecraft anymore, in fact there are relatively none. That's where Sage differs from other servers. Sage is always changing, always listening to the players, and always making sure it is the best server for players. I love this server because I can always log on and just make a quick base and have some good times with friends, and I want others to have this experience.
I will dedicate all free-time I have to this server. I have played this server since close to release, and the way it has grown and flourished into the server it is now is amazing. I want to dedicate myself to making this server the best it possibly can AND more. I will take a ton of time out of my day to make sure this server is thriving to be better.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
My honesty on a scale of 1-10 is a 9/10. The reason for not being a 10/10 is because sometimes I lie. Lying is bad, but sometimes it's okay. I only find it right to lie if it endangers you, your family, or loved ones. I don't lie often, but if I ever do, it's most likely about my homework.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)
Can you meet the weekly requirement of a minimum of 12 hours playtime per map? (If you cannot meet this then your application will automatically be denied.)

I will reach 12 hours, and I will even try to make that at least 48 hours.
What is your telegram @?:
Telegram: @conakahimothy
Discord: cøn#0238
Additional Information?:
Baseball is coming to an end, so I am going to have a boatload of free-time and I want to use that by being staff. Staffing on Sage was genuinely one of the most fun things I have ever done online. The experience of it, and just the ability to be able to log and help players made me feel good. If I am denied, I will respect this decision and will not be disrespectful or immature towards anyone. Have an amazing day!​
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Thank you for taking the time to make an application, unfortunately your application has been denied at this time due to Previous reasons of being demoted at sage. Please feel free to re-apply in 2 weeks time, Thank you.
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