Denied Closed


Established member
IGN (In-Game Name): Landing
Age: 17
Region (EU/NA/Other): NA
Do you have any previous staff experience?:

ViperMC Network • Moderator+ I have recently resigned on vipermc due to many things going on with my personal and ingame experience. ViperMC is currently the biggest running hcf at this moment with a stable player count ranging from 500-1200+players. I believe that ViperMC gave me the most experience and properly trained me in the fields of; Communication , Teamwork , Work Eithic, Time Priotity and much more. Proof:

FiercePVP • Moderator + I was staff on fiercepvp for about 3 months when i finally resigned due to inactivity & personal issues at the time FiercePVP was currently doing good with keeping a 250+ stable player base. I believe that i further gained depth knowledge in screensharing, multi tasking and being reliable Proof:
Koru Network • Moderator When i was apart of the koru community i experienced how to communicate and establish clear and calm communications with people outside of my own language district. Proof:

Why would you like to become a staff member & If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

Along with trying to promote less toxicity, as a staff member I will be actively trying to decrease the number of cheaters that are frustrating the regular, legit players. With the activity I have, I believe I can fix the overcrowded support rooms. Which I strongly believe is most inefficient, annoying, and frustrating for players who need desperate help to fix their experience on the network. I would feel accomplished if i can finally help decrease these waiting times to help out my fellow players get the support they need as fast as possible, leading to a better playing experience and again, increase the number of players online, which would be increasing the enjoyability of playing on the server. Also,I feel as if being staff gives me a purpose to logging on to my computer and playing videogames; something to do, and lastly people to talk to. I strongly believe that with my experience, skill, and technique I can hopefully build the player base and help the server succeed! Over the course of time and the staff experience I have gained, I've learned a lot of valuable lessons. Ever Since sage started reaching a higher playerbase and activity and moral for the server started boosting I knew I would want to at some point, try & become a significant role within the community. I would cherish the opportunity to become a staff member because I believe that there is so much potential within this server and I can proudly announce I am happy/content with what the growth of the SagePvP Network.

Why should we accept you as staff?:

Dedication: I am a very dedicated person to the server just coming on makes me happy as I enjoy playing the server. I am super dedicated to the server just to log on and say hello and see how everyone's day is going. Dedication is something important to become a staff member and is very critical. At the current stand point i am in life i can see this role inside of the staff team possible being even permanent.

Dependable: If another staff member is needing to go or needs to do something else they need to trust you enough to make sure you get their work done. When helping the staff will just depend on what it is. Players can also rely on me because of my experience with Minecraft itself. Reliability & Responsibility is key and I believe thats what truly makes a good staff member.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? 9 No ones perfect but telling the truth can somewhat improve trust possibly lost when a wrong action is taken

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

Can you meet the weekly requirement of a minimum of 12 hours playtime per map? Yes, Here's a break down of my activity
Monday 4-6 Hours
Tuesday 4-6 Hours
Wednesday 4-6 Hours
Thursday 4-6 Hours
Friday 5-7 Hours
Saturday 3-4 Hours
Sunday 6-7 Hours
5 Hours + Guaranteed Each Day All Platforms

What is your telegram @?: @unknowncyber27
Additional Information?: