Denied Cleve's Staff Application

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Active member
IGN (In Game Name):




Do you have a good quality mic?:
Yes, I have a Headset Mic

Do you have Telegram and Teamspeak?:
Yes, My Telegram is @Cleve2

How many hours can you put in the server per week:
Monday: 6-7
Tuesday: 6-7
Wednesday: 6-7
Thursday: 6-7
Friday: 7 - 9
Saturday: 8 - 10
Sunday: 8-10

Any previous punishments on Faithful?:
No it was a false Ban Than i went to teamspeak and got unban

Any past experiences in being a staff member?:

VanityPvP (50+ Players)
I was Trial-Mod on VanityPvP and made my way up to Admin , It was a HCF , Practice and Kitmap server with a good players. From this I learned more about hcf and, I learned about all the commands that I had . I had to leave the server because it got shut down and I wanted to be staff on a different server.

CortexHCF (50-100+ Players)
I was the Owner on CortexHCF, I just wanted the players to have fun and I listened to their ideas and bring new things to the server that the players liked. After few months I decided to close the server because the players got out of hands and start being toxic to the community and to the staff members.

ExemPvP (60+ Players)
I was Helper on ExemPvP. I got Helper on ExemPvP Manager said that if I'm active a lot I will be promote to Mod but I want to find be part of the staff team on a popular server like CavePvP because I feel like its a dream for a person thats Helper on low a playerbase server to become Helper on a popular servers. Proof:

AlphaHCF (50+ Players)
I created the AlphaHCF after CortexHCF with different Owners and New Players, I was the Owner and kinda of Developer on AlphaHCF I just added new stuff that the players wanted for AlphaHCF to have and I decided to shut down the server after few months because I wasn't on alot and I didnt want the players to be bored.
ValidHC (30+ Players)
ValidHC I was Helper 35 players daily 80 SOTW . I had been looking for another server to staff on and this was an opening for a long term staffing experience but it had a very bitter-sweet ending with this server. I started as an Helper and made my way up to Mod At this time I was excited to become a Mod on my favourite server. During this time I worked with lower staff members ValidHC was doing great, all staff liked me and no one had any problems with me until my rank was removed for absolutely no reason for “abusing” I knew this was false as the Mod I was working with had many videos uploaded on him about abusing. Staff members were confused ever some of the owners were. Turns out the next day I was fully demoted and that platform-admin that I wish not to name has been brought back to the team. Some staff knew this was wrong and some even resigned to come with me towards other networks because they knew I didn't do anything. This has been the second time this situation has happened similar to my experience at VanityMC. I could have just lied and said I resigned but I feel that if I were to do that I would not grow as a person mentally and this has been something that I have thought about thoroughly many times and I've failed to come to the conclusion of why I was demoted. Overall I think I came out of this experience a better person. (Demoted)

I Couldn't show proof for some of the servers because i never thought that i will be apply for bigger server. Sorry

Screenshare Tools Experiences

Strafe ScreenShare
Strafe Screenshare it was a very helpful screenshare tool but it doesnt exist anymore. So im trying to get used to new screenshare that i found Sstools and im trying to get used to it and learn about it more.

Why do you want to become staff?:

Being a staff member on a server becomes a responsibility, and the reason I would like to become a Staff member on the SagePvP Network is because I believe with my experience being a staff member on servers I can start to improve SagePvP by focusing more on the toxicity and any type of cheaters I come across on the network. The lessons I have developed on ExemPvP and VanityMC has helped me fill in many gaps such as certain rule-breaking etc. When I was staff on VanityMC I did tend to make a few mistakes now and then, however, I overcame and learned through them. With my experience, I believe that the motion of Moderation could still be used to keep this server healthy and free from toxicity even though there will be many obstacles in the future, and I hope to be able to stop those who want to ruin this community.

Determination - In every situation, I will put my best effort forward. Whenever I start on something, I am always determined to finish the job. Quitting is no option for me. My job is to keep the players happy and content with the SagePvP Network. I will never stop working until the players are satisfied with their needs.

Respectfulness - I am very fair to players and don't judge them by their past and don't judge them by their belief or color and will treat all players with the same respect. I Am very respectful. If a staff member asks me to do something for them, I will not argue with them or backtalk them I will get right to the job they asked me to do.

Why should we accept you as staff?:

I am very respectful person and im a quite person sometimes and shy . I will respect higher staff members and players. I've never been disrespectful to any player if I did I always apologize.

I am very patient in everything i can wait for a person to join teamspeak for 5 to 10 minutes and i always wait to help people out fully with what they need help with and i dont just leave them without helping.

Am kind of good at screensharing. I didnt do alot of screensharing on ExemPvP or VanityMC, I also know how to find Hacked Clients and AutoClickers.

I spend a lot of time at the playing video games and because of that I think that im pretty active I might be AFK on TeamSpeak , Discord or Telegram i will always be sure to check it out if i missed any messages from players or staff members.

I will love to record I watched every single Gankah's Admin Series and I loved every single of them and I really want to be like him I've been watching him since 2017 and he came this long journey and I'm Really proud of him.

I had HCF and Kitmap experience on different servers and because of this, I learned a lot about different servers and the players.

I have a good knowledge in staffing specially in Kitmap and HCF servers but now the Kitmap servers are not that fun for me and I want to try to learn alot more about HCF.

I'm very helpful or try to be , I will love to help out new players and new friends with what they having trouble with and make sure they can understand it good.

Additional Information:
My Dream is to get Staff Rank on the popular servers and hopefully I get it and I'm 16 years old.
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