Denied cizza2000's staff application [EU] [Second Apply]


Active member
IGN (In-Game Name): cizza2000
Age: 15
Region (EU/NA/Other): EU
Do you have any previous staff experience?:

Yes I have experience on AngelPVP [HCF] I left because I think I can take a bigger step with a server that has more players.
Proof: Players / D : 40/50
Rank: Senior Admin
Demoted or Resigned?: Resigned

And I have experience on MTWars [KITPVP with screenshares] I don't really have proof anymore but I have proof where I ask if he still knew when I was Admin.
Proof: Players / D 90/120
Rank: Admin
Demoted or Resigned?: Resigned

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I want to become a staff on SagePVP because I think it's going somewhere as of right now. I play a lot and love the community it brings and how it has an active player base. I want to affiliate myself with SagePVP because I want to help out the players and make sure the network doesn't have any active cheaters on it so players are put at a disadvantage. I'm extremely active, and with that, I'm able to help out and spend a lot of time on Sage helping out and doing support rooms. I think I would be a great staff because I am very kind and friendly and will be able to assist anyone in a nice manner. I play Sage a lot and I come across a lot of people who glitch and with me being staff I'm capable of finding people who glitch and ban them. I don't have the greatest experience which is understandable but I am extremely knowledgeable about HCF since I have been playing it a lot and with that being said I think I could do a good job and help out SagePVP.


I would consider myself pretty helpful since I am able to be active and help out in the Teamspeak and move people in that need help. As well I'm able to read helpops and tp to players that need assistance or need a quick answer to a question they have. I'm able to be on for a long time and get things done and be on for certain events when needed. I think being Helpful is one of my biggest character traits since I have a great attitude and love meeting new people.


I would think I'm pretty mature when it comes to staffing, I would be respectful to other players and make sure I'm speaking to people in a nice manner so that no one feels terrible and isn't feeling comfortable. I can tend to slack off or joke around outside of staffing but other than that I would think I'm overall a pretty mature person and am capable of handling my maturity when being a staff member at Sage.

Work Rate

I would consider my work rate to be pretty good. I'm able to get things done and am extremely smart about working scenarios out and handling big things. I make sure everyone gets the same assistance and can get a fast answer, especially when doing support rooms. I don't want any complications when I'm helping others out and I will do that by getting my things done and doing my role as a staff member.


I can be extremely active during the weekdays and on weekdays I can manage to get 5+ hours of playtime and make sure within that time I get people assisted and they get help. I want to make sure I get a lot done when I'm able to log on so that a Staff Manager knows I'm doing my job and I'm not just slacking off the whole time.


Being friendly is a big part of me and my character, I like to meet new people and talk to people, and doing support rooms kind of ties into that. I'm able to meet new people on the staff team and work with them in a kind manner. I think being Friendly is my best character trait and I think it best defines me as a person.


I think my communication is pretty good. I'm able to notify head staff when I'm out for a certain amount of time and communicate amongst my peers and help them as they will me.


I am a very responsible person that can handle the responsibilities for this position. I will put in the hours I say I will and help the server as much as I can, and always try to show up on to staff meetings. I am very obligated for this role. I will do my best to make sure I complete my duties or tasks as a staff member


I view myself as a very dedicated person and I usually push myself to the limits for something I would like to accomplish. I want to contribute time effort and ideas into the server. I am always eager to help players no matter the cause.


I have always been loyal to all the servers I have been a part of and made sure to always respect them. Even after I was demoted I never did anything to hurt the server or said anything bad about it.


Last but not least, I truly care about being a staff member and doing the job efficiently and professionally. I am not here for the sole purpose of getting a screenshot that says helper for the "staff experience" I am here to do the best I can be to help SagePVP.

Staff Series

I would also like to do staff series on the server if possible.

Do you have a working mic and the ability to record?

Yes, I have a HyperX QuadCast Streaming Microphone, along with OBS to record with.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I would make sure the server in clean of hackers when I'm on, I will also make sure chat is as clean as possible from any toxic conflict going on. I will always be active in-game when I'm online and help as many players as I can when needed. Being active in teamspeak has always been easy for me as well so players will have a reliable source of help in teamspeak when needed. I also like to switch between game-modes often to make sure everyone is getting a fair chance at getting help if needed. I respect all players no matter the situation, meaning I am not a toxic person at all.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

A 10 because I don't like people who lie, that's why I don't do it myself and you won't achieve anything with it.

Additional Information?:

Nope, I think I covered everything I needed to, I appreciate you taking your time to read this and if I need anything added to my application please list things below I would be more than happy to take your guys information and apply it to my application so I could have a higher chance of getting accepted!​
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Active member
Nice application with a balanced amount of detail, I wish you the best on becoming a staff member

dolefully#2275 | @ignDolefully



Would be a +1 if you had a bit more staff experience. A lot of details

Pretty good application