Denied cheifer [US]

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Age: 14

ign: cheifer

Eastern Standard Time (EST)

United States Of America

Do you own a quality microphone?
Yes, I do own a quality microphone (Blue Snowball).

Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?:
Yes, I do have all of those applications for communication services.

Do you have any previous staff experiences?:
Yes, I have worked with other previous servers and their staff members, here is a little bit of information about them:

~Excide, (Helper --> Admin), 140 players @ SOTW.
Excide has been my only staffing opportunity however it has simply shaped me into who I am today. On Excide, I started at the 'Helper' rank, My main job was to obviously and precisely assist players with any issues they may have. I would also refer to other moderation if that was needed to assist them properly. I also had to look out for any rule-breakers around the server, whether it be in chat or on the server. I quickly moved my way up the moderation rankings and became an Administrator. Through this position, I was put into assisting with screen-shares and dealing with high-punishment rule breaking (Server Griefs, Spam Bots, etc.). This position has taught me how to be a responsible person by having players and some low-tier staff members rely on you and you rely on them as an efficient team. This position has also taught me perseverance and working through the difficulties of being a role-model to the other players you enjoy the server. Unfortunately in this small-nit community, the server closed down with no intentions and never came back online.

~AzarithNetwork, (Admin), 80-100 players averaged
I was also an administrator for named AzarithNetwork. I became a server staff member due to my excellence in pursuing my goal as a player to revolutionize this server into something I potentially thought it could grow as. I worked with the owner on ideas to help pursue the server's player-base and other works. I also with staff members to see their opinion regarding how they thought the server was growing. I basically felt like a community manager (Because i was constantly bringing our staff team together to resolve situations). This was a small experience that also helped me look into the eyes of responsibility. Responsibility showed me you must be able to adapt to certain situations. You must be able to learn from your mistakes quickly and not point out the negatives in your past. Unfortunately, This server shortly closed down due to the lack of effort & possible lack of funds the server owner had at this time.

~ArsonPvP, (Mod), 100-250 players averaged
I was also a moderator of ArsonPvP. My main communal job was to assist screen-shares for possible hackers, as well as tending to support room channels when they are being used for any purpose revolving around bug fixing/reporting, player reporting, and things of that nature. Players looked up to me in a way I got to learn the attribute, courage. Even though you are a still technically a player as a staff member, you will have to learn courage. In rare times, you must be capable of standing up for what's right and proving why this is. This server unfortunately closed down and is currently on the market (Posted in 2017, unsure if it is still back up).

Why do you want to become staff?:
There are countless reasons regarding why I would like to become a Helper on SagePvP. The top reason I want to be apart of this staff team because I want players to feel enjoyed when they come into our community. When players join our server, I want to welcome them with open arms. This is the best quality about me. Players are the main reason I want to be staff as I preserve myself as someone to look at when dealing with professionalized situations. I also would like to be apart of this staff team because I want to contribute my time and hard work into a server that is looking into growth and expansion. I see multiple positive attributes and signs SagePvP is headed in the perfect direction into success and if this is accessible to players, I want to be apart of it. Players are the number one priority when it comes to being apart of an amazing staff team that is able to communicate so accurately. This is why I want to push for different ways the staff team is able to connect with players when I see those arise from the players perspective. Making an impact on a server with a tremendous amount of effort put into it puts me into a state of enjoyment due to your abilities and your hard-earned success was put into jeopardy and you risked it for your very community.
This is also something the players should understand. Standing alongside this process of effort is capability and commitment. If you do not have the mindset, you will not get anywhere with your current project. I want to become a staff member as I correlate the traits with the traits of a professional person who wants to step-up and make this community the most enjoyable server it can strive to be, even with competition. Finally, I want to become a staff member in order to stand out. Sure, a player can assist other players, but when you are a staff member, you are given this automatic sense of assistance. Like you are drawn to help (Which is the source of your job) others. I want to be a staff member in order to pursue this goal in my Minecraft Career once more as a staff member of a larger network. I want players to come to me with any needs they have, knowing that I will give them the best service they have been given on a server they may not be familiar with. My responses to questions are precise. This means I: 1. Answer then with an thorough explanation 2. I respect this user's concern within the community. Being a staff member is more then just being online to help others. You are here to grow yourself and here to grow who you are as an individual and a representative to this very community.

Why should we accept you as staff?:
The reasons you should accept me as a staff member is because I display a wide variety of traits that are able to come into account that being apart of a successful cooperation/company is something I want to be apart of. These are just the effects that you will be able to see from the outside perspective, when I begin to grow and plant myself in this community, who knows what I will learn and pick up in this bright community! These traits will stay permanently with me as time goes on and my ranking and place in this staff team may get more well-known. These traits are listed below:

With the age in the picture you are probably thinking I am too immature to be on this team. Well with my experiences, I believe I am able to offer quality assistance to the players of SagePvP. I want to provide a safe community for other players younger, older, and in my age range excitement, enjoyment however provided them with a solid staff member who is accountable. I do often like to have fun with players at times, but when it comes to staff duties, I often take them quite seriously as I do not mess around with any rule-breakers that I may come upon during my staff on the staff team. I know my limits when it comes to being lenient on humor, which is a good trait to have as this is a HCF server and staff need to restrict specific "humorous" jokes. I respect everyone with accountability and want to on this team to serve this community, but of course staff members must have their certain boundaries.(edited)
With the help of my previous experiences, I had times where countless players came up to me at the same time begging to ban this scammer, or to ban this possible duper. This was at times complicated to deal with as I began my journey as a staff member apart of a staff team. The complexity of how I dealt with multiple situations like these have grown me into someone with the ability to combine patience, previous staffing experiences, and efficiency to provide assistance to this individuals. These are the 3 main staffing attributes you have to have. Period. However, multi-tasking is a common trait needed to deal with decent player-bases such as Sage. You must be efficient and be ready to deal with players at all times. You cannot slack off.
This is the biggest attribute you must have. Just like running a server, you MUST take charge as a staff member as well. You are representing a possible cooperation that be brought to fame with the simple act of having one famous YouTuber coming onto your server and putting your server on the map. You must be able to commit as much time and effort into the server you can. This is a benefit for you as well as you are able to learn through your mistakes and won't do accidental actions over again. Commitment can come simply from you interacting with other players around the server. Having a reputation on the server will help you grow your overall server reputation and you will be known as a genuine individual. This will be looked at via your personal friends on the server, other players and staff members. Commitment is the key to striving as a staff member.

These are the 3 based reasons I believe being a staff member is something I am capable of overcoming. Being a staff member is representing a wide-community, regardless of your staff ranking. I believe if you are generalized through a document, you won't be able to see the whole picture. I believe this because you will not be able to see this person possibly strive. This is what I think as a prior staff member. Someone to look into is someone who will stand on in this community by combining their own traits to the server's and growing the community forward.

Additional Information: I want to thank you very much for allowing me to apply for SagePvP and taking your time to review my application.


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I like to keep my posts clean and original. I dont know if color scheme is needed but i chose the original path
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