Denied cbawithyou staff application [NAE]

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IGN (In-Game Name):

Age: 16

Timezone: EST

Do you have any previous staff experience?:

Yes, I believe I have a pretty good experience at staffing on Minecraft HCF servers. I have been staffing for around four years consecutively.
Past experience can be found on my twitter @ c_rockm

ViperMC - Moderator+ [Resigned]

ViperMC was my first big server being staff on. I enjoyed it there for the time being. I was staff there for maybe around 3-4 months grinding my way up to Moderator+.
I resigned on here to go to Hylist LLC. There was a lot of problems within the construction of the staff team and I had also found in incompatible for me to staff on there, at that given time. There was a lot of issues going on in my life as well and I wanted to step down from my position at ViperMC. I was recruited right after the spring update, while the server peaked at around 2130 players. The most Viper has ever gotten.

Velt & Arcane - Sr Moderator [Demoted]

I went to hylist after Viper for multiple reasons said below. I started off as a Trial-Moderator. I was staff before aabis and every one of the sr admins left too. The old management was very corrupt and I thought that when they all left is would have become a better and more safe environment... sadly that is not what velt's management turned into. It might even be worse now. Lots of favortism, and biased promotions (A sr mod got nda'd)
Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I would like to be a staff member because I am a well experienced staff member. I have been looking for a decent server to apply on and I have always been looking for a non corrupted team at a server where I can put my skills and determiniation on the staff team. I do not have to much fun playing HCF anymore, and that is why I staff. When I used to play it would take 20 minutes up to 6 hours to get moved. That is probably the most frustrating thing when the servers staff team is lacking everything they should be doing . If I get accepted at SagePvP my only goal is to make the server more fun and enjoyable with reasonable wait time. My goal is to make the players more satisifed to where they will want to play the next day and bring their friends to the server.
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

-Online all the time-
If I am accepted I would be online all the time, logically people would get moved quickly if I am on frequently helping players in and out the day making sure they have a good fast experience. Frequently I can be on for around 4-5 hours per day grinding support rooms and helping people in game when other staff cannot. I am up very late in case I need to cover AU/SA/EU times, obviously they cannot be the only people on in EU times. I am good at budgeting my time making sure I get my work done fast with quality.

-Always looking in chat for helpops and /reports-
I am frequently keeping my mine craft open, even when I am not staffing so I can look out for help ops /reports when I am on my phone doing various things so I can multitask and work efficiently. Sometimes doing help op can seem pretty useless as most staff just brush over them... my intent is to help players more on the areas that other staff don't seem to care much on . One way I can do that is being active on reports and help ops.

-Well spoken-
I am very well spoken in most situations including support rooms, tickets , ingame ect. I find a passion in helping players quickly with quality. I make sure the player understands everything I am saying without confusion. I make sure to speak clearly with no confusion.

I am very mature in support rooms and I make sure to stay mature. I do not joke around when a player needs help. I am not toxic in game or in teamspeak, I am very nice and well taught.I look at myself as a leader of a group. If I need to lead / help people thats exactly what I can do without any trouble or questions

I am responsible with everything I do. If I mess up on something and it is genuinely my fault I take responsibility, or if someone lower than me needs help I always make sure to help them in the best way possible.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
11. On Viper-MC the #1 rule was honesty, as it should be. Once in a blue moon I would mess up on a ban and I would come to head staff about it acknowledging the situation and understanding what I did wrong and what I can do to better myself next time to leave the mistakes out the server. If you lied about something on Viper it would be an instant demotion , so Viper taught me not to lie whilst on the staff team. I know that if you are trying to get a working team to help a common goal, honesty is the most important thing you can implement in a team.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?:
Additional Information?:

I play football in highschool.



Was demoted on velt for abusing and reviving his friends for no reason when they died legit. From what I know you were concerned about getting demoted and they finally caught onto you abusing and checked your commands then demoted you.

Later clown <3
i was planning on resigning 2-3 weeks prior, which I have proof of. wouldnt have been concerned of being demoted if i were gonna leave


Established member

My guy, you're kind of toxic at times. I admit make your experience is good. I do feel you could have spent a bit more time on your app.

This is just something I wanted to point out.
(A sr mod got nda'd)
I know when someone is biased it can be a pain. But to be completely honest there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. It's just life at the end of the day.
Good luck!

With Passion,


Thank you for taking the time to submit an application, but unfortunately it’s been denied.

- Abusing on other servers

You may re-apply in 2 weeks time. Please take this time to revise your application if need be.
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