Denied Bruq's Staff Application

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In Game Name:
Bruq - (NameMC)
My previous names are due to jokes with friends.
GMT (EST +5)
Microphone Quality:
I have a Logitech headset which is fairly high quality.
Telegram And Teamspeak:
I have all of them. My telegram handle is “@Bruqq”.
Past Staff Experiences:

Faithfulmc -Recruited by Muffinking2
I was staff on Faithfulmc for 3 Weeks in these 3 weeks I made no mistakes. My job was banning pearl glitchers and hackers, also helping people in teamspeak. I resigned as I no longer had time to staff and the Killamc was treating the staff team really badly, this caused 4 people on the staff team to quit.

PvpTemple -Recruited by Resolvee
I Was staff on PvpTemple for a month. (There server was down for 2 weeks while I was staff). My job was to mute toxic players and host UHC game, I would set up the UHC game and stay on for 2 hours to late scatter and assign who was fighting who at the end. I resigned as the server had major problems (3.0 release) which stopped me from doing my job.

Sagepvp -Recruited by [B]Arcticcc[/B]
I was Moderator+ on Sagepvp for around a month. For Sagepvp I'm not gonna say my job was.... as I didn't see it as a chore or a job. On Sagepvp I helped players and banned glitchers/hackers.I was also a builder for sometime but I resigned to focus on staffing. I saw the staff steam as family and made good friends with a lot of the people that were on the team at the time.
Why I Want To Become A Staff :
The HCF community has really built me as a person and I feel that I should give back to it. I have generally become more confident and generous through my time with the community and I know how it feels to not always have the support of staff banning cheaters therefore I would like to remove closet cheaters and others who violate rules from the network.

I have huge amounts of respect for everybody (especially the staff team). Regardless of how they treat me I believe it is always best to be kind and respectful to everyone. A situation like this that I may face is people being toxic to me in teamspeak but this doesn’t take away from being professional and respectful therefore I would continue to be polite and kind to them throughout our conversation.

In the past years that I’ve played HCF, it has become clear to me that toxicity is taking over. I wish to try and combat this issue by being an active and aware staff member; both in chat and ingame. At some points of my minecraft career toxicity got the better of me but as a staff member I would of course never be toxic and try to stop this from spreading wider throughout the community. That is why I wish to help stop this and create a cleaner atmosphere for all players.
Why You Should Accept Me As Staff :

I am an incredibly reliable person meaning when you request something to be done I will quickly be on the case and complete the task to the best of my staffing ability. I am also quite skilled at working with deadlines therefore I will not disappoint by being late to events.

Communication skills:
I am very talented when it comes to communicating with others. This comes in handy when dealing with people who have accents because this will allow me to clearly understand them and help them with their problems on the network. This will also allow me to have conversational flow when it comes to working with staff too meaning we will cooperate effectively.

Hard Working:
I am a significantly hard working person meaning that I spend a lot of time and effort on situations to make sure it is perfected. With the use of discord and telegram I will be instantly notified of scenarios and will put aside other tasks to react to the case and come up with a solution.

Commands Knowledge:
I have very skilled commands knowledge for the server and other servers because I have previously worked a lot with plugins. Here are the basic commands I believe I will use as a staff member on SagePvp. I am well aware there will be more but I will quickly adapt to the new commands.

/staff OR /mod
/mute <player> <time> <reason>
/tempban <player> <time> <reason>
/warn <player> <reason>
/kick <player> <reason>
/co l a:commands <player>
/co l a:logout <player>
/co l <page-number>
/history <player> <number>
/staffhistory <staff> <number>
/tp <player>
/tp <player> <your-name>
/checkban <player>
/co i
/co l a:chat <player>

Fast Learner:
I have learned over time that I can quickly teach myself many things and easily adapt to new situations. This could help when staffing because I may face a situation that I have not been trained in or dealt with before. Firstly I may ask somebody who knows and I would also apply my knowledge of other topics and adapt that to figure out the new situation.

It is quite rare for me to make a mistake but when I do, I own up to it and work 10 times harder to make sure it won’t happen again. I use this to constant decrease the amount of mistakes I make throughout my life and I am sure this will be useful when staffing.

I am a very calm person this will help me when a player is trolling or irritating me because I will be able to stay professional throughout. I will also be calm and polite with other staff members as to keep a friendly atmosphere.

I know I have already hinted at this but I am really passionate about wanting to help others which is why I believe me being on the staff team would not only be beneficial to me but also to the community.

I am extremely loyal and if I was to be accepted, I would dedicate 90% of my minecraft time due to the fact that I am incredibly passionate about the server and if I was staff it would mean there is so much more to do with helping the community and others etc. Also, I would like to point out I am against speaking behind peoples back.

I know that maturity is a big part of the job and would be able to meet expectations for this area, this would especially flourish when it comes to being staff on a server. I know how to deal with players and make sure that they are doing what is right. I can of course have fun with staff in teamspeak but would be very mature if there was a player in the channel. Also, I believe in respecting others therefore I would never be toxic to other players or staff.

If I was to be accept I would be extremely active on TeamSpeak allowing me to plow through support rooms and lengthen the extent of which i can help players on the server. I will use my communication skills previously mentioned to create and effective and quick solution to their problems.

I have good computer knowledge, this enables me to be fast at typing and solving issues. This will help me ban cheaters before they kill innocent players and respond to any questions posed by users swiftly.

I will be active on SOTWs this means I will help fix issues like portals not being lit, this will help other staff members as they will not have all the stress mounted upon them; instead we will spread out the responsibilities to make it easier for each staff member.

Staff Roles:
I am well aware that the “Helper” tag is NOT to gain respect from others; I will still treat everyone equally and definitely NOT abuse my role.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

If I were to be accepted I would dedicate a lot of my time to the server by helping players on Teamspeak, Discord, Telegram and the Forums. I will also make the player experience better by cleaning the chat and taking action against rule breakers.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?:
I don't know if Arcticcc or Jacob can remember me but if they can, I believe they will vouch for me.

Additional Information:

I really appreciate the time you have taken to read through my application. I have huge amounts of respect for the staff team and what they do, I would love to be a part of the family.
If there are any further questions please ask in the comment section below and I will respond as soon as possible.
Yours Sincerely,


New member
These replies are dumb. I was staff with you on faithful (mod+) and pvp temple (mod). The fact that people say this application is plagiarised is stupid, I saw you use this application when you first applied and was accepted as staff here on stage and from reading it and staffing with you previously I can confirm you are a great staff member.


I appreciate all the comments, thanks for taking your time to either support me and or in giving me constructive criticism.


Try to add more detail in ''Why do you want to become staff'' and try to get proof of your previous experiences.


Legendary Member
Good for you, how about you accept you're wrong? No point trying to defend a failed argument.

Why would I accept something that isn’t correct?
Let’s go through the basic application.

Experiences? Are shit. 3 weeks? One month? Shit wow that’s dedication.

Detail? Still lacking.


New member
Why would I accept something that isn’t correct?
Let’s go through the basic application.

Experiences? Are shit. 3 weeks? One month? Shit wow that’s dedication.

Detail? Still lacking.
Then why don't you write this in a constructive reply for him?
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