Denied Brroke's Staff App

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New member
↬ IGN (In-Game Name): Brroke
↬ Age: 15
↬ Region (EU/NA/Other): NA
↬ Do you have any previous staff experience?:
(OG ZONIX) - Mod - 2017 - 2018?
SolexMC - Media Manager - 2018
InsideousPVP - Sr Mod - 2019
FatePVP - Sr Mod - 2019
Smok - Sr Mod - 2020
Zonix - Mod - 2021
SerpentRIP - Trial Mod - 2023

↬ Why would you like to become a staff member?: I understand the value of becoming a staff member, as it offers an opportunity to contribute to the community, support players, and foster a positive gaming environment. Being a staff member allows individuals to utilize their skills in leadership, problem-solving, and community management to enhance the gameplay experience for all users. It can be a rewarding experience to have a direct impact on the development and success of the game, while also gaining valuable skills and fostering a sense of accomplishment through helping others.

↬ If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: If I was accepted to Sage I would improve the player's experience while addressing those with an unfair advantage:

1. I would Provide Thorough and accessible guidance: As a staff member, you can create resources. I would monitor help and refer new players to guides on youtube. This info should be easily accessible to both new and experienced players. I believe that is probably the biggest issue that new players deal with and why HCF as a whole is not growing in the player base.

2. I would help foster a supportive community. I would help encourage positive interactions among players by promoting respectful communication and discouraging toxic behavior. I would help Implement clear rules and guidelines that outline acceptable behavior, and enforce them consistently and fairly. Encourage players to report any instances of unfair advantage or cheating, and take appropriate actions against offenders.

3. I would Offer fair and balanced gameplay: Work closely with the development team to ensure that the game mechanics are well-balanced, minimizing the potential for unfair advantages. Regularly monitor and address any glitches, exploits, or imbalances that may give certain players an unfair edge. Gather feedback from the community and consider their suggestions for improving the game's fairness and overall experience.

Remember, improving the player experience and addressing unfair advantages is an ongoing process. By being proactive, communicative, and diligent, you can make a positive impact and contribute to a fair and enjoyable environment for all players on SagePVP.

↬ If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? If I was to rate my honesty, I would rate it a 9. I believe that when you lie you have a chance to get in worse trouble than before so what would the point of lying be? Personally, I believe I prioritize the truth, transparency, and my communication with others. I really try my best to provide accurate info and try to maintain integrity in my actions. But, nobody is perfect and completely honest. But, I try to have a consistent dedication to communicating the truth to others.

↬ Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

↬ How active can you be (Hours per day): 3-4 hours in summer 2-3 during the school year.

↬ What is your discord @?: brroke

↬ Additional Information (optional): Telegram is
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New member
+1 i remember u staffing on the zonix comeback and everyone was blocking ziblackings pearls while specating but lowkey u actually were the only mod that did ur stuff.
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