Denied Brandononon's Application


IGN (In-Game Name): Brandononon

Age: 16 turning 17 in September

Eastern Standard

United States of America

Do you own a quality microphone?:
I own two, a blue snowball microphone and a Steel series Arctis 5 headset.

Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?:
Yes, Brandononon#7763 and telegram @Brandononon

Do you have any previous Staff Experience?:
I have been a developer on many small servers, I also owned LunaMC and developed the entire bungee cord, HCF, and KitMap.On LunaMC I would manage the staff team, work on plugins and configs to ensure the server ran smoothly, and in my free time, I would be in Staff mode. LunaMC was shut down after I made the JV soccer team, I no longer had time to manage the server. I have also been Mod on ZurexHCF. ZurexHCF was closed down after the owner forgot to pay the company running it.

Why do you want to become Staff?:
I want to become a staff member on SagePvP because I have spent the last 12 days being neglected by staff on larger servers and being told my problems were "irrelevant" when the staff were at fault. I want to improve players time on HCF servers, by removing cheaters, cutting down waiting time in TeamSpeak, having respectful staff that values the players time as much as theirs, and the opportunity to help players that are in need of assistance.

Why should we accept you as a Staff?:
I should be accepted as staff because I am experienced with the role of an HCF Mod, I care for the players time and problems as if I was in their position (of course keeping inside the guidelines). I will also be very active, about 2-5 hours a day.

Can any staff member vouch for you?:
No, I just became a member of SagePvP from a friend referral.

Additional Information: I am in an early college program, meaning I have only college classes rather than High school; After September I will have class all-day Tuesday and Thursday, leaving 5 whole days for me to be active.


I literally suck at everything I have ever tried.
Hello @Brandononon, thank you for taking the time to apply for a staff position on our network. Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one or more of these reasons;

- Lack of Playtime,
- Plagiarism,
- Immaturity / Toxicity,
- Lack of detail / Experience,
- Failing to meet the requirements.

You will be eligible to re-apply after two weeks. We suggest you take this time to improve your application.