Denied Bqrrd I AU

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Known member
IGN (In Game Name):
Do you have a good quality mic?:
Do you have Telegram, discord and Teamspeak?:
Yes I have all three of them
How many hours can you put in the server per week:
I can put roughly 20 hours

Any past experiences in being a staff member?:
I do not really have any experience on being a staff member. I was Moderator on my friend's server but I didn't learn anything. So, I do not have much experience but I want SagePvP to be my first

Why do you want to become staff?
I want to become a staff member on SagePvP because I feel as if I can be a helping hand for the community because I can help out as much as I can on the forums and in game. I feel like I can help out by always being active on the forums, in game and in TeamSpeak. Being a staff member brings a lot of responsibilities and I am willing to take every single one of them on. I know that being a staff member people may be trolling by going into TeamSpeak and trying to use voice changers and trying to make the staff members annoyed. Fortunately, I am very calm and I can take that on. Being a part of the SagePvP staff team would be an honour, not only because I can meet and talk to the amazing staff but to work with them. While working with the SagePvP team I would be able to take in a lot of information and be able to absorb as much as I can. I may not be the perfect person for the team because I don't have a lot of experience, but I am willing to spend as much time on actively listening how the staff members work and how the identify if a player is hacking or not. I will always be willing to sit in a ScreenShare to learn how to find a players hidden hacked client as quickly as possible.

Why should we accept you as staff?:
I believe you should accept me as a staff member because I am always active on the Forums and I always try to help players. I love playing with people and I am always a laugh. Every time I will be in a staff hangout and there are other staff members chilling, I will try and make them laugh and have a good time. I am a very talkative person, but when times come to be quite and listen, I can also do that extremely well. I am a respectable young adult with lots to learn, to me being respectful is a main trait of mine, I always look at respect as, if I want respect from someone, I will show them as much respect as I want back. I am a mature person as I am over being disrespectful and trying to show off to all my friends. If there is a situation that I don't know how to deal with, I am never afraid to ask for help after I attack it head on. Being a staff member, I want to treat everyone like they are at home here. This server is as much to them as it is to a staff member. I refuse to treat anyone like I wouldn't want to be treated. Everyone deserves respect, and attention. I am extremely dedicated to SagePvP because of how well the server works. the server works like a charm and I feel as if I become a staff member I can help out and make sure it maintains its reputation of being a great server. Recently a bunch of YouTubers have quit their servers and move to SagePvP. If I can help out everyone as if they are the king of the world and give as much attention to them, the server will grow, grow and grow.

Can any staff member vouch for you?:
I am active on TeamSpeak. Trixv has talked to me on multiple occasions.
Why am I different to other applicants?
I am different to other people because I am able to be active on my time and I am able to be active on other time zones if needed. If I am needed, I will try my hardest to be online and ready to help others. I am able to be in TeamSpeak helping players with their needs. Being a helper has always been somewhat a fun thing that I enjoy doing. I will always respect both staff members and players, I will treat both players and other staff members with the same respect they give to me. I feel as if I can make a change by being able to make sure that SagePvP has a fair player base with no one exploiting bug/Cheating. Sometimes when I am online on kit map, I always see fast bow hacks, speed hacks and kill aura, but I am unable to do anything. I can report but because I am AU there isn't usually staff members online when I am online. I know I can make a change to the community if I can get a little help with getting used to being a staff member. I am able to listen and take as much notes as possible. I personally am able to be online on most SOTW but because of my time zone, it may be hard if I have important things to do the next day. I will dedicate much of my time as possible to the server. If another staff member is feeling lonely, and is just sitting in a staff hangout, I will defiantly come and talk to them and make sure that wanted. What I am trying to say is that I am a willing participant to be active, loyal, respectful and responsible in the community. If I do not get accepted, I will always still be willing to talk to other staff in a friendly way and always help other members in the community in guiding them in the right footsteps.

Additional Information:

Thanks for reading my application. If you have any problems or can just tell me where I am going wrong please don't hesitate and tell me where I need to improve on


I literally suck at everything I have ever tried.
Hello @Bqrrd74, thank you for taking the time to apply for a staff position on our network. Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one or more of these reasons;

- Lack of Playtime,
- Plagiarism,
- Immaturity / Toxicity,
- Lack of detail / Experience,
- Failing to meet the requirements.

You will be eligible to re-apply after two weeks. We suggest you take this time to improve your application.
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