Denied Beachway's Staff Application


IGN (In-Game Name): Beachway

Age: 18

Region (EU/NA/Other): NA

Do you own a quality microphone?: Yes

Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?:
Telegram: @Beachwayyy, Discord: @Beachway

Are you able to record?
Yes, in HD with 120 fps.

Do you have any previous staff experience?:

I have extensive experience staffing for Minecraft Networks, specially HCF, I was a staff member at,,,, HCRiots.NET,,,,,,,, Battle.RIP and, I also ran my own server for around 6-8 months. The experience I learned from these servers were: How to interact/communicate with players. How to multitask. I know how to screenshare and look for clients beyond the everyday vape client. I learnt advanced commands that admins would use. I also learnt how to deal with tough situations, usually I did Staff & Community Management as I have lots of knowledge about management in general and analyzing trends in communities, but especially interacting with users and making their experience the best it can be.

CavePvP’s player count ranged from 100 to 300. I was with the rank of Senior Mod. CavePvP was one of my best staff experiences ever. As a staff member on CavePvP, as it was a mini-game/multiple gamemodes server no staff were involuntarily applied to a certain mini-game. With that being said, most of the staff moderated on the servers they liked as they were able to join any of them as a staff member. I was a bit different than other staff members, I really could care less about playing Kits or HCF. I was also taught how to use the forums to its extent. Such as: banning players, renaming players, deleting player posts, moving player posts, adding titles to player posts and review ban appeals, which I started doing as a Mod+, 3 months into Cave.

SyncPvP’s player count ranged from 50 to 200. I was on staff for 2 months with the rank of Mod+. SyncPvP really opened my eyes to staff and how it works to be a staff member. SyncPvP was the server where I gained my knowledge of staff, commands, player interaction, forum & teamspeak knowledge, as well as player base experience. I learned some incredible things. I don't want to sound cocky in any way, but I was one of the most active staff members on (/playtime). With that being said, I was not someone who just went AFK to get up my playtime. I was constantly online, constantly working with players, and constantly staying up night after night. There were times when I had no idea how to help a player because he needed an Admin, yet I would find a way anyway, just because of my dedication. I would do anything for Sync at the time. I was asked to stay up and monitor the server while a certain staff member that was EU, I was on vacation for a few days. dedication kicked in. I was dedicated to do whatever I could to improve Sync. The things I learned from SyncPvP have only impacted me in a positive way, which even helped me get my first job.

SagePvP’s player count was from 100 to 400. I was a staff member at SagePvP for over 2 months and also with the rank of Mod and also Trial-Mod since I was there twice, first I resigned and the second time I got demoted but I still have a valid argument on why it was an unfair demotion. What I do know for sure what I learned was simply how to Mod better. At the time I was a bit shy, as I was just in shock I even got accepted as a staff member. I learned basic chat and mod commands. I learned how to ban, kick, mute, temp ban, and temp mute. I also learned some teamspeak skills. Though I didn't learn much, I did learn how to move players, ban players, kick players from channels and servers. Though I don't remember much of SagePvP, I do know that what I learned helped me start my career as a staff member and I will never forget it.

ExoticHCF’s player count was about 300 to 500. I was Platform Admin, ExoticHCF I believe was the first server I became staff on. I believe it was late 2016 when I became a staff member. As Exotic was a HCF server, I was taught about screen sharing and teamspeak. Everything was through the forums. I was the only helper for around a week before being promoted to Mod. When promoted to Mod is when I started to learn a lot of mod commands. I was very close to the owner of the server. I helped him install plugins, accept staff, and all together run his server. After about a month of being Mod I was promoted to Admin and basically had access to everything except the console. I would host events of all sorts (pvp, parkour, and stuff like that). I also dealt with the ban and mute reports, as well as ban and mute appeals. Overall everything was going great until we hit a bump in the road. The server player count started to die, and the owner felt he was wasting money over nothing. Soon after that, he decided to shut down the server.

SteelPvP’s player count was from 25 to 80. I am/was a Senior Mod. Steel was pretty fun and since it ranged from 25 to 80 players it was pretty active, as a staff member at Steel I learnt lots of things, I also learnt most of the punishment times in lit a day since I basically studied it, I was a pretty active staff member with a few bans, mutes, etc. I like Steel and especially for being a new and first experience for me since it was 1.16 HCF. It offered LifeSteal too, their partners were huge. Overall I like being somewhere like Steel.

Riots’s player count ranged from 50 to 150 players, I was staff with the rank of Head Admin. I applied for Riots. I felt that I had learned everything you needed to learn as a Head Admin of an HCF server. Riots had very chill staff. If I wasn't helping in-game I was in teamspeak with an administrator and he was telling me everything about screen sharing, mod commands, ts use, forum use, and all that good stuff. Sadly, I don't remember much. What I do know I learned was how to use TS and the basics of moving players in and out of channels. I also learned over the forums how to move and delete threads, as well as sticky them and title them. Overall a great help to my staff experience.

Polar’s player count was from 75 to 150. It was my server, I was the owner on it. This was about late 2018 when I created my own server. At the time, my brother and I were very into servers and how they work, and how fun they seem running. After about a week of thinking about it, my brother and I purchased a virtual private server from a German hosting called Contabo. It was a 16 GB vps with 8 cores.The service was great from them, and without them, I wouldn't be here Today. What I learned from starting my own server, was the best experience, out of any server I have been staff on. I learned all about plugins, how to config them, remove them, edit them, and add them. I learned about how to spawn in worlds, how to use core protect, and how to allow players to run commands. I also set up donations (only gained a few hundred dollars in the outcome). At the time we were using xenforo as our forums, as we had no clue how to set up a good forum page. What I also learned was how to create a TS (and one you pay for) and how to set up ranks, prefixes, suffixes, channels, push to talk only channel, channel permissions, server permissions, and rank permissions. After around two months of uptime, the cost was just too much for the server to not be growing as fast as we needed it to be. We decided to then shut down the server.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

There are multiple reasons why I would like to staff this server, such as the basics (helping in-game and through TeamSpeak/Forums, suggesting new ideas, interacting with the community, and so on and so forth). I believe what I stated above is a typical answer, however, I am no typical person. Personally, what I see myself doing as a staff member is not only what I listed above, but trying to grow the community as a whole. I see many times players are arguing not only at each other but at staff over the stupidest things. It amuses me to see all of these rude comments from the players. My number one priority as a staff member would bring the server closer as a community. I would also like to be staff because I believe I could bring great value to the servers community. As stated above in a different question, I was on staff on multiple popular HCF servers. The experience I gained from those servers is amazing, and I want to bring my experience and my knowledge of HCF. I also would like to be staff because I want to bring these characteristics to the server. This server is more than a server to me. I have played multiple HCF servers, and yeah, they were fun, but nothing like this. This server to me is a place where I can come on, have fun, communicate with the community, and overall just have a blast. This server is a server that is not only rapidly growing, but also rapidly being attached to me. There is no HCF server that I would rather play, and to be Staff on than this would be an honor. The community has done so much for me, and I would like to try to do my best for them. I want to be able to say that I helped the server grow as a community, and as a whole. This server has such potential, and I would love to be that person to help grow the server. I see much more than a minecraft server with this. I feel I could bring so much to this server. I feel my contributions with the server , as a whole, would benefit. In all honesty, I don't want to sound too cocky, but I really believe this is the truth. I have been through this server's ups and downs. All I want to do is try to make sure that the server, from here on out only has goods. I will try my hardest to make sure that the server will be monitored by staff at all times, even if that means doing all nighters. I personally feel players treat staff terribly. I want to be that role model, for the players to look up to. I will be that someone where they can come and talk to me about anything and know I will always be listening and helping. I will make sure that every person that I talk to or chat with that needs help, will be helped to the max I can. To expand on this question, many of you are probably wondering, why apply for this server? Out of the hundreds and thousands of HCF servers, why this? There's something about the server. The community, the staff, there's really something great with the server. Sadly, recently players have been non-stop complaining about the direction the server is headed with the "inactive staff" and other subjects like keys and ranks. Personally, I see past all of that, I see something greater with the server, something greater that most people can't see. I want to help this community thrive, and in what better way to do that than to become Staff and help out. I am on every day around 8 AM to around 1 AM. Obviously, I have brakes, hit the gym, and other stuff in my life, but for the most part, I am on for hours upon hours. With that being said, I see the player struggle. Players spamming chat tp tp hacker, players flooding TS. I want to help fix that struggle that every player has experienced. I will try my hardest to make sure everyone is satisfied, and I will never let anyone feel that they were not satisfied after talking to me about getting help. I have many good qualities that will make me fun to work with and an active helper. I hate to see support rooms full and I hate seeing players dying to hackers, I'd like to change this. If I could just help the players' day run smoother by helping them on the server, my work is done. And if I do that, then the senior admins and Developers and even Owner, have more time to concentrate on what's really crucial to the server. People who know me know that I am mature but at the same time know when to have a joke and a laugh. I'm quite an easy going person and I like getting to know new people and talking to new people. However, I know when the time is right to be mature and help players who need it, and at the same time I know when the time is right to be strict and set players straight. I have quite a high tolerance for immature people so I don't get angry quickly and can deal with awkward players. I know how to conduct myself as a staff member on the server and will represent the server with pride. I know I don't have much experience as a staff member but I would like to become a staff member on a good popular server so I can gain experience from other staff members and I can interact with the community. I would be really active as I have nothing to do. I would like to help players with their issues. If it is based on players or on bugs I will always do my best to help them out. I would like to become staff because I like the concept of banning hackers, making the server even cleaner and even more playable. Why you should accept me is because I am a very hard working person coming to help a block game. I like that I can chill & have fun with players while I'm doing my job at the same time, And if it doesn't work out then I will change my method of helping out the server and players. As a staff member being honest is vital and I always endeavor to tell the whole truth. Personally honesty and being truthful means a lot to me. I believe that under any circumstance telling the truth is always the better solution. Lying almost always leads to negative outcomes or more lies. As a Staff member you also represent the server, so if you lie it affects you and the community as a whole. My previous experience as a Staff member has shown me the amount of responsibility I would be committing to by being Staff. That is why you can rely on me as a Staff member because I am aware of the responsibility that is required. As Staff I would not only be responsible for myself, but to my duties as Staff and helping people. I also have an adept way of prioritizing my responsibilities and I’ll always hold my responsibility as staff to a high priority. If I become staff I will never purposely let down any players or staff members. I always see people coming in and getting staff and leaving after a week but I have been at this server enough to understand its player base and understand them as they want. < -- Proof

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I would improve player experiences by implementing less waiting time in TeamSpeak and instantly moving players who die because of a bug, glitch, or cheat, also being active. the explanation a player plays a server is for the experience/enjoyment. Being a staffer grants you the prospect to form their experience better, that will be with enforcing rules, ensuring everything is running smoothly, or just actively helping members across all platforms. I feel that the player's experience is the most important thing when running/staffing a server. I thrive to make sure that the player has the foremost effective time that they'll possibly have. I'm a non-biased, kind staffer that likes to make people happy. which will be with staffing on Minecraft and ensuring that everybody is nice and well, or seizing leadership positions essentially. I consider myself very responsible, which is what being a staffer is all about. I can use my responsibility to assist/improve the player's experience by being someone players can attend for help, and having the flexibility to be trusted.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

9, and here’s why! I grew up in Richmond, British Columbia, my father was absent since he was working in the United States secret service, every time he came to visit us (around 3 times a year) I was told to be as honest as possible, it is like I was trained all day every day until he came, strictly for the time he was with us, so I grew with the constant fear of being disciplined for lying, stealing and not following the law. I can think of an event that happened when I was staff on an HCF server, I once was asked if the player was using blacklisted modifications, while I knew he was, at the same time, he was my friend, so I said no, and he ended up winning an event because of the use of blatant cheats, a day later, I admitted to my supervisor, and was striked. That's why I rate my honesty as 9, because even if I lie, I will end up owning up to it, and take the best route.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?:

Currently, I don't think I know many people in this staff team, so no.

Additional Information?:

Greetings! My name is Jacob, but widely known as Beachway, I am 17 years old and I was born in British Columbia, Canada. I have a few skills that distinguish me from others, one of them is my ability to speak multiple languages, both as if they were my main language, in other words, I speak both Spanish and English very fluently. I went to a very prestigious school, but almost at the end, I dropped out, to pursue my dream of Software Engineering & Business Administration, altho my young age I have a bachelors in Business Administration and currently working in Software Engineering & Systems, I have enough resources and contacts to support anything in the best way that I can, I have a dedicated server, prepaid that I can use for whatever is needed, also as I said before I can manage, code and event secure systems, Ubuntu Based Systems, and I can help with that, with that said I must also say I am great at fixing bugs and exploits and I can be on for over 5 hours a day on weekdays and over 10 hours on weekends (I have no life), yes, I am also willing to learn how to screenshare.

Thanks for reading, I'm a girl btw - Beachway.
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