Denied bannedforcheats Staff Application | US | EST

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Well-known member
IGN (In-Game Name):
bannedforcheats namemc

16 as of 2003

Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Do you have any previous staff experience? (If so, list them below):
Rank: Helper
I was a staff member of HCNations. The owner had decided, after Custom ETB the server, to hire new staff members.

Rank: Moderator
I was a staff member of SagePvP. The staff manager had decided to demote me for having 4 hours of playtime on Faithful while I had 40+ hours on the SagePvP server.

Rank: Senior Moderator
I was a staff member of Nersa. The Owner decided to recruit me after I had applied on the forums.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
Over the previous year, I've taken in a ton about the staff group, the guidelines, and the players. I likewise need to become staff since I couldn't want anything more than to offer back to the network and help the players I have been able to know in recent years. Another explanation I need to become staff is that I am continually observing individuals requesting help and how ill-conceived players are continually killing them and I might simply want to assist them with help by prohibiting them and making their time on the server charming. I know a lot of staff members. They may say I'm toxic, they may not. It depends on whom you talk to. I was toxic. I have changed over the past couple of months. If you want proof to ask a staff member. I used to be the most obnoxious person to be in your support room. I would boss you around and tell you how to do your job. I don't want to do that. I want someone to do that to me so I know how it feels to be verbally abused. I know what I did was wrong. I understand what I did and how it was wrong. I want to give back, not to take. I want to help not hurt. Next, I'd prefer to refer to another central explanation concerning why I want to be a staff member. Hackers. Complaints. With hackers, come complaints, with these two joined, come furious players. Some state "on the off chance that you forestall the circumstance before it happens, it won't happen by any stretch of the imagination", I 100% agree with this statement. On the off chance that we can dispose of the hacker before they kill players, it will fix the issue very quickly. Be that as it may, we can't generally get them before they kill players, however with every one of the hours I will be on, I can offer them quick help. Quick help implies upbeat players. Fundamentally, what I am attempting to state is that I need to support players, I need to be dependable, and in particular, I need to support the network. Offering help and considerably more. I simply want to help. This is what I want to do with my life. I was encouraged by a staff member to make this application. The staff member said that if you want to help apply for staff. I said I would. So I did. I already applied twice and this is my third application. I want to become a staff member. Even if I have to apply for staff every 2 weeks for the next few months.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
If I was accepted as a staff member, I would improve the player's experience by the following; I'm a very committed and very active player on the server. I'm good under pressure. I work well with others and I'm great with players. No matter what is going on in my life. I can be on for long periods. I am very mature. I want to help the community. Staffing has consistently been one of my preferred things in the game, I'm ready to help individuals. My general information on the game aides since I recognize what might work in-game and what wouldn't. Realizing how to play the server will help me a great deal as a result of the way that I can place myself into the player's point of view and have the option to check whether they have a substantial explanation behind coming into discord. I ought to be acknowledged in light of the fact that I love helping individuals, regardless of whether it's all things considered, or in-game I love it. I think I have the experience and aptitudes important to become staff on (Server).

Efficiency is the key to being a good staff member. You need to be able to be efficient in your work as a staff to stay staff. Being staff is a big role as I said before. Keep the support rooms clean and the server clean is key in staffing. You need to help people that need help and correct people that are being toxic or obnoxious.

When I speak to people I do not swear, cuss nor do I talk in a disrespectful way to that player/Staff member. When you are helping someone either in-game, TS, or Forums, you need to be mature and need to be committed to that person or persons. If you leave the person by themselves.

I think that my age doesn't mess with my maturity. Maturity is manners, a person who is not toxic and a person who does not back talk the owner nor anyone on the staff team.

Loyalty is Key to being a good staff member. Loyalty is something that you need to have on a server as staff and also as a player. You need to have a clean record and a good background review.

Like all the other reasons mentioned above, one of the most significant is operation. If a member of staff is not involved, they slack off, or they don't care, they simply cause issues. I'm a very active person when a staff member is absent. Even though I'm not a boss, for countless hours I'm on every single day. It's going to be even better when I'm on staff.

To be a decent individual from any staff group you should demonstrate a commitment to the server you are staffing for, I would ensure that I am very on the server and care for servers that I wish to devote my time on which would be exhibited with my playtime and measure of clients I punish week after week. My devotion to the server would keep me working hard for an extended period while still keeping a lot of playtime and punishments.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?:

Additional Information?:
If you have any feedback, feel free to leave it below.
Thanks for Reading and Have A Great Day!
Sincerely, bannedforcheats


Known member
There's a clear reason you're not going to get accepted and you should know that, rate the application tho


Well-known member
-1 Lack Of maturity and Sabotage
And it seems like your -1ing a alot of other applications to give you a higher chance.
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