Accepted Averred's Staff Application [EU]

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˿ IGN: ˿



Do you have any previous staff experience?:

Playerbase: 700-1000
Easily the best and biggest HCF server I've been staff on learned a lot from the staff team and the server in general and was honestly the best experience I've had.

Playerbase: 100-170
My server ended up merging with HCPrimal but all the staff members that came with us to HCPrimal got demoted after they decided out of nowhere to unmerge without letting anybody know.

[Have more experience but those we're the biggest server I was staff on]

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I would like to become a staff member because how much I've come to love this server in such a short time and how much I've learned from the staff team. It is 100 percent the best experience I've had as a staff member to be here with Sage and I don't think any other server could even come close to the experience I had with the Sage staff team In such a short time. The main reason I want to become a staff member is all the friends I have at Sage and the energy the staff has is off the charts and It just feels like home. I also want to become a staff member because of how fun it is, it never seems to get boring and never seems to let me down. My past experience with Sage it was really enjoyable being a staff member and getting to know the whole staff team was really fun and I really want to come back with a bigger and better grind.
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
Here is how I think I can improve the players experience

I may only be 16 but that doesn't mean I'm not mature. When it comes to staffing I am always mature in and out of support rooms and on such a large network like Sage you always have to be mature in and out of support rooms. And if your not mature it will bring backlash to the network because staff members are the face of the network and if they aren't professional, mature it will make the server look bad.


My schedule - EST

Monday: 08:00AM - 7:00PM
Tuesday: 08:00AM - 7:00PM
Wednesday: 08:00AM - 7:00PM
Thursday: 08:00AM - 7:00PM
Friday: 09:50AM - 12:00AM
Saturday: All Day
Sunday: 08:00AM - 7:00PM

My schedule - GMT (5 hours a head of EST]

Monday: 1:30PM - 12AM
Tuesday: 1:30PM - 12AM
Wednesday: 1:30PM - 12AM
Thursday: 1:30PM - 12AM
Friday: 2:50PM - 5AM
Saturday: 2:00PM - 5AM
Sunday: 2:00PM - 12AM

As you can see I do have a lot of time and since there is no school so I will try to put all the free time I have into staffing and helping the players on the network and I really think I can make more of a difference as a staff member than a player

Support Rooms
Because of my weird schedule people that have to wait in ts for a long time will be moved right away and I will always be doing support rooms every single time there is somebody in general support. I won't only be doing teamspeak support rooms I will always move people that are in discord support rooms also so if somebody doesn't have teamspeak I will always be active on discord and also ts.

Professional is a huge part of being a staff member not just in support rooms but also out of them I always try my best to be as professional as I can. I'm always professional but that doesn't mean I don't make mistakes everybody makes mistakes but I just try to learn from my mistakes and own up to them. And as I've said probably multiple times If your not Professional, Honest, Mature It won't only make the staff team look bad but the server in general.

This is also a huge part of being a staff member since you are basically representing the network and the community Sage has. When your a staff member you have a lot of responsibility a small mistake could make the whole network look bad which is why you also have to be mature and professional to be a staff member. I feel like I am really responsible and with me being responsible I can promise that I won't ever make the server or the staff team look bad.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

Like I've probably said multiple times I've always been honest and always planning on being honest. I would never intentionally lie and never planning on lying to anybody. I'm always honest to everybody I'm working with and I will always learn and live up to my mistakes.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?:

Additional Information?:
2nd Microphone
Boom Arm

[Last edited 6:20 EST 12/29/2020]

Please if you have any feedback on my application leave them below.
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Well-known member

-Add some more detail about your experiences at those servers
-Also add more detail in "Why would you like to become staff

Good luck,


Active member

Can tell that you really tried on the application and have staffed with you several times before (On Sage too). Good luck.


Established member
Sorry to say but Primal never had 100-170 players, always 60-70 at the peak. Show proof of being staff, I don't remember you and I can ask shotbow or lost as I still got contact with them. I used to be a plat admin and don't remember you and I was there for the entirety of it
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