Denied [ASIA] Yiwi's Staff Application

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IGN (In-Game Name):


Are you fluent in English?:

What region are you from (NA/EU/AS/AU)?

What is your Discord & Telegram?
Telegram: @jjaywi | Discord: @ishoot.

Do you have any previous staff experience?:
Yes, I do. This includes:
(Staffed with alongside ex sage staff Hayh) (Can Vouch)
I was staff on Lunar about almost two years ago. My responsibilities expanded rapidly from a Trial Mod to Mod, where I took care of cheaters, teamspeak, etc. Despite the server eventually shutting down, my time at Lunar was invaluable in learning server management and community engagement. I would say it was one of my most meaningful HCF staffing experiences.

FaithfulMC’s player count was at its peak at the time. I served as a Mod and Trial-Mod across two different tenures. Initially, I was hesitant but quickly learned the ropes of essential moderation skills such as banning, kicking, muting, and using teamspeak effectively. Despite my brief stint, the total foundational skills I learned at FaithfulMC were crucial in shaping my approach to staff responsibilities and player interaction. This was back in 2020.

KitusKraft was a server on which I was staff for 4 months with the rank of Mod+. It was where I first grasped the essence of being a staff member. It was here that I gained my initial knowledge of staff commands, player interaction, forums, and teamspeak. I was among the most active staff members, dedicating significant time to assist players and ensuring server integrity. My dedication was apparent, often staying up late to monitor the server during crucial times. My experience at Kitus provided invaluable insights that propelled my journey in the Minecraft server community. It was a small factions server.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
Here are the reasons why I believe I deserve to be a SagePVP staff member:

Extensive Experience
I have been an avid Minecraft player for several years, with a particular focus on Hardcore Factions. This experience has given me a thorough understanding of the game mechanics and strategies.

Strong Community Engagement
I am passionate about building a positive and welcoming community. I regularly participate in server events and engage with players to ensure everyone feels included and valued. I believe that a strong community is the backbone of any successful server.

Technical Knowledge
I have a good understanding of server management, including familiarity with various plugins and troubleshooting common technical issues. My technical skills enable me to assist in maintaining the server's performance and ensuring a smooth gaming experience for all players.

Dedication and Reliability
I am highly dedicated to the server and can be relied upon to fulfill my duties consistently. I understand the importance of being active and available, especially during peak hours, to support the player base and handle any issues that may arise.

What makes you better than other applicants?
Depth of Experience
I've spent countless hours immersed in the HCF environment, honing my skills and understanding of the game’s unique dynamics. My extensive experience with HCF, including both gameplay and server management, equips me to handle a wide range of situations effectively.

Proven Leadership Skills
I have a track record of leading factions and organizing community events within HCF servers. My leadership experience means I can guide new players, manage large groups during events, and ensure that everyone follows a positive and inclusive community. I actively engage with players, making sure everyone feels welcome and valued. My focus on community building helps create a friendly and supportive environment, which is essential for the success of an HCF server.

How active can you be per day?
Approximately 3 - 5 Hours on Weekdays
Approximately 6-9+ Hours on Weekends

Can any current staff members vouch for you?
No active staff members. (Ex Staff Members- Hayh)

Are you willing to learn to screenshare?

Anything else you would like us to know?
Nothing except I am really looking forward to working with Sage in the near future. I really am excited!​


Head Admin
Staff Manager
SS Manager
Hey @Yiwii, thank you for taking the time to apply but unfortunately we won't be moving forward with your application for the following reasons:
- AI Generated Text

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.
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