Denied Ash229 staff application

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New member
IGN: Ash229
Age: 15
Country: canada
Do you own a quality microphone? No
Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?: discord and team speak I can get telegram
Do you have any previous staff experiences?: Yes. I am currently owning a server with factions / some minigames on it. I have high knowledge on Developing plugins / permissions. It is called ExiledMC currently. If you need the IP please skype me and i will tell you it. I am an admin on 1 other server, but the server atm is currently shut down due to unfortunate money problems. I was a developer for a week on another server, until it shut down.. I was an admin on Eden Universe, but i was inactive because of spring break and i got let down as an admin.
Why do you want to become staff?: To help make the server a better community for newer players, and showing players around the server, while Controlling large crowds, Handling impatient players, and being active everyday possible.I can easily handle large groups of people as i have had experience as an admin / owner of a server. I am very patient when it comes to pesky players that like to disobey or not come to an agreement with another player I have been playing minecraft for a few years now, (since release i believe) and love it. I know almost all basic / intermediate commands of what an admin should have. I also love to share my knowledge on other things whenever needed. The only thing i can not do so good, is build, because i am not a very creative person when it comes to building huge and cool structures
Why should we accept you as staff?: I would like to say with my maturity and trustworthy, you should hire me as a staff member. i would never disappoint you. I can make a big impact on the hacking and drama started in the server. I know a lot about hacking and I can definitely tell who hacks. I am also quick to report people. I get the job done with initiative and preciseness. I don't report someone without thinking it through. For example, I go through the thought process of deciding whether or not it is against the rules and whether or not my evidence is good enough. Thought processes such as these are needed to get the job done as less mistakes are made when actions are thought through before they are done. I answer people's questions about the server all the time. I respond pretty quickly too so I don't make them wait too long, which could cause the to get impatient and disconnect. But sometimes, i often see alot of Advertisers going around on people's server where there were no mods on on that time. I'm trying my best to make your server as healthy and social as possible by staying online and responding to questions, requests, complains etc. I can handle long conversations and pressure without a problem, and I truly enjoy helping others with their problems because it gives yourself and the person you're helping a great feeling
Can any staff members on the team vouch for you? No
Additional Information:
I take on a very harsh view on any kind of harrassment or bullying due to the experiences I have suffered through the past. From these experiences, I have obtained the ability to recognize bullying or harassment should it take place, and will be proficient when dealing with it. If an issue were to arise, I would most likely be online to deal with it. I'm always helpful and quick to respond to any messages that I see, and will always enforce the rules to the best of my abilities.

I do have a very few amount of bad sides to myself, but I can get past them
I am not that good at working with redstone, I am good at following videos so If you need any redstone stuff tested or need some redstone contraptions to be built, I can attempt to fulfill the task I am given. As I said earlier I will not participate in any jobs out of my job range or things that are against the rules! I will do the best I can to keep the server safe and happy!

The rules breakers who do what the feel like doing, to me are not good players and have no netiquette what so ever. The rules breakers such as spammers, hackers, cursers, etc will be dealt with and warned at first and if the warning is ignored then a mute or a tempban if needed. I think I can improve the server by stopping the rules breakers and making the server happier and have more people play on it to make it popular and the best server ever!
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I literally suck at everything I have ever tried.
Hello @Ash229, thank you for taking the time to apply for a staff position on our network. Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one or more of these reasons;

- Lack of Playtime,
- Plagiarism,
- Immaturity / Toxicity,
- Lack of detail / Experience,
- Failing to meet the requirements.

You will be eligible to re-apply after two weeks. We suggest you take this time to improve your application.
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