Denied Asgy staff apply.

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Asgy staff apply.
What is your current IGN (in-game name)?
How old are you?
Are you fluent in English?
Yes i am
What region are you from (NA/EU/AS/AU)?
What is your Discord & Telegram?
Telegram: Le0279
Do you have any past staff experience (include proof, explain your roles & responsibilities)?
Yes i was staff on deathzone, my role was t-mod, i had perms to mute,tempban,freeze,jail,vanish, watchover etc.
I will show proof
Why do you want to be a staff member?
I want to Help the community grow, and stop others from stoping it(cheaters), i have a lot of ideas for the staff team
What makes you better than other applicants?
I would like to actively contribute to the growth and continuous improvement of this virtual space that I value. I have previous experience as a moderator on other servers, where I learned how to handle conflicts effectively and maintain a positive atmosphere for all players.

I am consistently available and committed to the rules and values of this community. I strongly believe in the importance of integrity, patience, and collaboration to ensure that all players have a positive and enriching experience.

I am eager to learn and bring new ideas to make this server an even better place. I would love the opportunity to work with such a dedicated and passionate team like yours.

I am very skilled on ssing and i have a lot of experience
How active can you be per day?
4-5 hours per day
Can any current staff members vouch for you?
Are you willing to learn to screenshare?
I am really good in screensharing but always there is something to learn
Anything else you would like us to know?
I can be 6-7 hours on the weekend


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Veteran Member
We will not moving forward with your application due to lack of effort.

Re-apply in 2 weeks.
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