Denied Adderral Staff Application

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14 (
I asked the staff they said it was alright If I applied even though I'm a bit young.)


Do you own a quality microphon/
Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?:
Do you have any previous staff experiences?:
I helped a server called, "CloutOG" This was a practice server run by the youtuber, 'CloutOG' who has 2.5k subscribers. I was a manager on that server, and my responsibility was to manage the staff team, do forum posts, guides etc. Most of it consisted of managing and organizing, but it didn't get quite far due to money issues.

Yes, I've staffed as manager, but I’ve also staffed in other positions, such as mod, and helper. These jobs were your routine staff positions, and expectations were to operate in the hope of helping players. We were required to screenshare ( I have been SS verified, but it was on another server) and lay down the rules. I’d also sit in support room while doing this so I could make use of my time more productively, instead of wasting away not helping. These experiences have taught me how to handle tough situations, improvise in situations which was not stated in the staff guide, deal with players that I may not be the friendliest, and just give me general knowledge on the staffing position.

"WinterPVP" was one of those servers I staffed on as a moderator. It was an australian server, so my timezone didn't really fit in but on the weekends it was my time to shine. That was my first time being SS-Verified, and I was expected to ban cheaters, lay down the rules, and help players in support rooms.

In addition to staffing on WinterPVP, I also staffed on a server called "Patrone" Mainly people know it as "Verzide's Server" but it was truly named Patrone. It shutdown due to the whole cheating incident regarding Verzide, and the owner decided to just leave it and start a new server. I learned a lot at Patrone, it was one of the first MAJOR servers I worked it where it clocked in 200-400 players during beta. I learned how to help, set up new servers, find bugs, and how to manage responsibilities on a big scale.
I've also staffed on a server called "HcAura" which was essentially a HCF server. I decided to resign from it because the previous owner, Jay, just gave up on the project and handed it to someone which did not expect ownership, and I could tell it wasn't going far. I do not know the current situation of HcAura, but I believe it's dead by now.

Why do you want to become staff?
The first reason is I know what it’s like to be a player trying to report/get help in a teamspeak that is flooded with players. You could be waiting there for half an hour trying to get help with something. I can stop that in multiple ways. Let's say there is only 2 staff in the support room, and about 100 players online. There would be a greater player then staff ratio so it would be a lot harder for staff to help people when there's a great quantity of them waiting for support. But I’m just another staff member, what can I do. Well as I mentioned before, I know how to handle these situations. I quickly move players and help them as fast and efficiently as possible. I handle the requests for help swiftly, and inform the player what they can do to prevent this in the future if this is something they can control. Helping players is my main priority if I were to be a staff member.

Another reason I wish to be staff is that I’ve noticed the anticheat doesn't do its job. The Anti-Cheat doesn't pick up most cheaters. What I’d do to help rid cheaters from this server is simple, watch. Lots of people spam hacker in the chat, and I notice these things, and I check them out, because even though some of the times they’re false, sometimes they can be true. This makes it easier for me to locate who is cheating and make a quick ban. I usually fly around the map using the fly command while in staff mode. I do this as a player as well, These can be used whilst staffing to view the fighting, while also taking a look for rule breakers. All the things that can help me catch cheaters, just flying around the map (especially in teams) is important aswell. If you see someone block glitching, or breaking the rules it's good to know what rule they're breaking, how to show proof of them breaking the rule, and being self-sufficient on your own. Catching rule breakers is why I want to be staff.

The second reason I wish to be staff member on Sage is so that players can have an enjoyable time on the server, and not be worried about having to run into rule breakers to ruin their day. A main goal I have if I am accepted, is that everyone is treated fairly, unbiased, and is having fun.

I’ve also played SagePVP for a long enough time to know what to do, and what not to do. Knowing the rules and being able to describe to someone what a rule is, how you break it and how you prevent yourself from breaking it is a key component in being a staff member. I like to be friendly and helping them out if they’re stumped on a rule that can be complex.

I always try and remain calm, no matter how someone is treating me. If I am getting harrased by a player, I follow the staff guide and give out the punishments accordingly. I never lash out, or do something irrational that can cause bad publicity. I also don't let bias cloud my judgement, making me a fair staff member.

Why should we accept you as staff?:
I believe I have qualities that I can bring to the staff team that are useful.

I believe I'm very proficient when it comes to teamwork due to me having the key traits to work with others. I exceed in helping others, as well as trying to solve problems with others as a team and an individual. Teamwork is a big thing on major servers, as there's hundreds of players and only a few staff members, so having teamwork can result in making it feel like the staff team is unlimited.


I bring a mature state of mind when I join the server. I'm not one to go on a rant about how I lost a fight etc. in chat, or scream racial slurs because I disliked that someone was better than me in a fight. When I find cheaters, I don't tell "SPEC ME LOL HACKER" I simply record and report. This is why I'm a good choice for staff.


When you imagine staff, or any employee, you imagine someone who treats you with respect, follows the company/server guidlines that have been set down and enforces rules while also doing it with a respectful gesture. I can be professional with all types of people, while also throwing some jokes here and there. Being able to do your job and having fun with it is a very important thing, as it will keep you going when you get to a low point.


If there's someone that may not be that experienced with the server, or is experiencing problems I'm always the one to help and figure out the problem, and help with a solution. If I cannot, I usually just refer them to the teamspeak support waiting rooms. I also help in multiple ways, like I've stated in the above section.


I know how to control my emotions, eliminate the relationship between me and a friend in a possible situation and treat everyone equivalent to their rank. (This meaning players are player, staff are staff superiors are superiors are etc. I am not referencing that I’m bias to donor ranks.)


I consider myself someone who is able to listen to another persons thoughts. If someone has an opinion or someone is telling me to do something I instantly open my ears and give them an opinion not that they want to hear, but an opinion which I feel is just and fair. Listening also has its perks to if you successfuly give someone advice in their problem, or just helping them. It goes a long way to assist someone in a problem which they asked you for, and increases the trust between people when you help them, which a bond is very important knowing that player and staff, or just people in general can trust eachother.


Personally, being respectful is a key virtue which I feel is required in being a staff member. If you find a staff member vexxing a cantankerous player then you can see that they exacerbate the situation into something it does not have to be escalated to.


I know my responsibilities and know how to handle them. If I were to be accepted as staff, I’d make sure I have a list of my responsibilities, and always know how I can maintain them, take care, and fulfill them to my very best. And I’m not scared to ask questions either. If I find myself confound on a certain task, then I’ll be sure to ask.

Can any staff members on the team vouch for you?
Not that I know of.

Additional Information:
Discord: Adderral#6173​
Last edited:


Established member
But you don't have any proof for being staff on CloutOG or WinterPvP.
Could have a color scheme.





14 (I asked the staff they said it was alright If I applied even though I'm a bit young.)





Do you own a quality microphone?


Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?:


Do you have any previous staff experiences?:

I helped a server called, "CloutOG" This was a practice server run by the youtuber, 'CloutOG' who has 2.5k subscribers. I was a manager on that server, and my responsibility was to manage the staff team, do forum posts, guides etc. Most of it consisted of managing and organizing, but it didn't get quite far due to money issues.​

Yes, I've staffed as manager, but I’ve also staffed in other positions, such as mod, and helper. These jobs were your routine staff positions, and expectations were to operate in the hope of helping players. We were required to screenshare ( I have been SS verified, but it was on another server) and lay down the rules. I’d also sit in support room while doing this so I could make use of my time more productively, instead of wasting away not helping. These experiences have taught me how to handle tough situations, improvise in situations which was not stated in the staff guide, deal with players that I may not be the friendliest, and just give me general knowledge on the staffing position.​

"WinterPVP" was one of those servers I staffed on as a moderator. It was an australian server, so my timezone didn't really fit in but on the weekends it was my time to shine. That was my first time being SS-Verified, and I was expected to ban cheaters, lay down the rules, and help players in support rooms.​

In addition to staffing on WinterPVP, I also staffed on a server called "Patrone" Mainly people know it as "Verzide's Server" but it was truly named Patrone. It shutdown due to the whole cheating incident regarding Verzide, and the owner decided to just leave it and start a new server. I learned a lot at Patrone, it was one of the first MAJOR servers I worked it where it clocked in 200-400 players during beta. I learned how to help, set up new servers, find bugs, and how to manage responsibilities on a big scale.​

Why do you want to become staff?
The first reason is I know what it’s like to be a player trying to report/get help in a teamspeak that is flooded with players. You could be waiting there for half an hour trying to get help with something. How can I limit that? Well if you break it down this way, pretend that it’s a school day, late in the evening at around 6, 7 pm. There is only 2 staff in the support room, and about 100 players online. There would be a greater player then staff ratio so it would be a lot harder for staff to help people when there's a great quantity of them waiting for support. But I’m just another staff member, how could adding numbers do things? Well as I mentioned before, I know how to handle these situations. I quickly move the ones that have been waiting the longest, so I can cross them off the list. I handle the requests for help swiftly, while also describing the situation, the rules regarding the situation, and how this situation can be prevented/stopped in the future. Helping players is my main priority as staff, and this is one of the ways I can do it.

Another reason I wish to be staff is that I’ve noticed flaws in the server regarding the anti cheat. The Anti-Cheat doesn't pick up most cheaters, especially with closet cheaters etc. What I’d do to help rid cheaters from this server is simple, watch. Lots of people spam “HACKER” in the chat, and I notice these things, and I always check them out, because even though some of the times they’re false, sometimes they can be true. This makes it easier for me to locate, specify who is cheating and make a quick video clip and a ban. I usually fly around the map using the fly command while in /v ( or staff mode). I do this as a player as well, These can be used whilst staffing to view the fighting, while also taking a look for rule breakers. All the things that can help me catch cheaters, just flying around the map (especially in speeds) is important aswell. If you see someone block glitching, or breaking the rules it's good to know what rule they're breaking, how to show proof of them breaking the rule, and being self-sufficient on your own. I feel this is one of the things I can do. In conclusion of this paragraph, cheaters/rulebreakers Is a major reason why I wish to become staff to get rid of those people.

The second reason I wish to be staff member on Sage is so that players can have an enjoyable time on the server, and not be worried about having to run into rule breakers to ruin their day after working hard on something, or dedicating their time to get good at a certain skill and have it ruined by people who take shortcuts. A main goal I have if I am accepted, is that everyone is treated fairly, unbiased, and is having fun.

The third reason I want to become staff is for experience. Having responsibilities aswell as deadlines in a period where I’m expected to work, help people, it’s a great experience for real-life opportunities that may pop up. And I like to think ahead to the future, so looking at becoming staff on here can help me earn jobs where enforcing rules, and helping people is a major add on to that specific job. .

I’ve also played SagePVP for a long enough time to know what to do, and what not to do. Knowing the rules and being able to describe to someone what a rule is, how you break it and how you prevent yourself from breaking it is a key component in being a staff member. I like to be friendly and helping them out if they’re stumped on a rule that can be complex.

Keeping calm and carrying on is my main moto. If someone were to come into a teamspeak support room and start complaining about something, raging on and hurling insults at me, I would notice this and find a way to adapt to his temper. Talking them down, finding out the problem and seeing whoose involved etc. I wouldn’t just kick them out of the channel because I don’t feel like dealing with them.

Why should we accept you as staff?:

I believe I have qualities that I can bring to the staff team that are useful.

I believe I'm very proficient when it comes to teamwork due to me having the key traits to work with others. I exceed in helping others, as well as trying to solve problems with others as a team and an individual. Teamwork is a big thing on major servers, as there's hundreds of players and only a few staff members, so having teamwork can result in making it feel like the staff team is unlimited.


I bring a mature state of mind when I join the server. I'm not one to go on a rant about how I lost a fight etc. in chat, or scream racial slurs because I disliked that someone was better than me in a fight. When I find cheaters, I don't tell "SPEC ME LOL HACKER" I simply record and report. This is why I'm a good choice for staff.


When you imagine staff, or any employee, you imagine someone who treats you with respect, follows the company/server guidlines that have been set down and enforces rules while also doing it with a respectful gesture. I can be professional with all types of people, while also throwing some jokes here and there. Being able to do your job and having fun with it is a very important thing, as it will keep you going when you get to a low point.


If there's someone that may not be that experienced with the server, or is experiencing problems I'm always the one to help and figure out the problem, and help with a solution. If I cannot, I usually just refer them to the teamspeak support waiting rooms. I also help in multiple ways, like I've stated in the above section.


I know how to control my emotions, eliminate the relationship between me and a friend in a possible situation and treat everyone equivalent to their rank. (This meaning players are player, staff are staff superiors are superiors are etc. I am not referencing that I’m bias to donor ranks.)


I consider myself someone who is able to listen to another persons thoughts. If someone has an opinion or someone is telling me to do something I instantly open my ears and give them an opinion not that they want to hear, but an opinion which I feel is just and fair. Listening also has its perks to if you successfuly give someone advice in their problem, or just helping them. It goes a long way to assist someone in a problem which they asked you for, and increases the trust between people when you help them, which a bond is very important knowing that player and staff, or just people in general can trust eachother.


Personally, being respectful is a key virtue which I feel is required in being a staff member. If you find a staff member vexxing a cantankerous player then you can see that they exacerbate the situation into something it does not have to be escalated to.


I know my responsibilities and know how to handle them. If I were to be accepted as staff, I’d make sure I have a list of my responsibilities, and always know how I can maintain them, take care, and fulfill them to my very best. And I’m not scared to ask questions either. If I find myself confound on a certain task, then I’ll be sure to ask.

Can any staff members on the team vouch for you?

Not that I know of.​

Additional Information:

Discord: Adderral#6173​

- Just got denied on faithful.
- Clout never shut down due to "Money Issues" CloutOG doesn't know how to run a server.
- Overall unprofessional.


Active member
-1 changed to a Neutral

- Agreed, application was copied from your previous application on another server
- Although, you did get denied
- Seems mature

Kind Regards,
LahMoney (Jack)


-1 changed to a Neutral

- Agreed, application was copied from your previous application on another server
- Although, you did get denied
- Seems mature

Kind Regards,
LahMoney (Jack)
Thank you for changing your rating, but if you compare the two applications you can tell I added on to it and edited


Active member
- Goof amount of detail
Would like to see on the staff team, Good Luck !
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