Denied Ace5pades Staff Application


Established member
General Information:

IGN (In-Game Name):
Age: 16
Region (EU/NA/Other): NA

Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes, I do, here is a list: PS: I used to go by the name Skills, or SkillsRemoved. I still have Skills as my discord name.
Rank: [Owner]
Proof : [None]

Rank: [Director/Co-Owner]
Proof : []

Rank: [Manager]
Proof : [None]

Rank: [Manager]
Proof : [None]

Rank: [Manager]
Proof : [None]

Rank: [Admin]
Proof : [None]

Rank: [Senior-Mod]
Proof : [

[Darkend Club]
Rank: [Senior-Mod]
Proof : []

Rank: [Senior-Mod]
Proof : []

Rank: [Mod]
Proof : [None]

Rank: [Trial-Mod]
Proof : []

Rank: [Trial-Mod]
Proof: [None]

Rank: [Helper]
Proof: [

Rank: [Helper]
Proof: [,]

Rank: [Helper]
Proof: []

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I would like to become a staff member because I want to help Sage grow and be free of rule-breakers. I also want to do it for the experience, I want to get back into staffing. Sage is a great place with a great community which is perfect for me, I can learn many new things here and refresh my memory with the old ones. Another reason, I would like to become staff on Sage is because I would like to record a staff series or fun events on my channel. The main reason I want to become staff is to help people and make sure everyone is doing okay. I want to see people happily enjoying the server and I want to make sure they don't have to worry about cheaters or anyone that is breaking a rule to run another player's day. I am strongly against cheating and bullying because my friends and a cousin of mine were bullied on and off the game and I really want to prevent that from happening to a player. If I get accepted I can help the other staff members do support rooms and I can also do some my self. As I said, that I have witnessed bullying the chat can get toxic at times and I would be happy to take action if it is necessary. Lastly, I feel like I want to be staff here is because I want to get to know many more people and help them out, I can easily do that as a staff member.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: If I got accepted, I can improve players' experiences by getting to them quicker. By this I mean answering their questions, taking care of reports, or forwarding their request to higher staff. I can do this very efficiently since I would always be keeping track of TeamSpeak and in-game chat. As a Staff Member, I feel like it is your job to make sure everyone is having a good time and is enjoying what they are doing, and I am applying to make sure that is taking place.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? If I were to rate my honesty on a scale of 1-10 it would most likely be a 10. Honesty goes a long way and I feel like I should always be honest, because lying just doesn't do anything good. Being a trustworthy and honest person can earn you a lot of things and I feel like it is ten times better when someone is being honest. Honesty is another very important factor to being a staff member and I feel like I am very honest and everyone else should be to.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) Not that I can think of.

Can you meet the weekly requirement of a minimum of 12 hours playtime per map? (If you cannot meet this then your application will automatically be denied.) Yes, I do have a good amount of free time, and would achieve this goal fairly easily.

What is your telegram @?: @Ace5pades

Additional Information?:
Thank you for reading my application, I hope you have a good day/night.​
Neutral a lot of experience, lacks detail.


Was going to set you pending, but then found out you were AC banned.

You may re-apply in a month.