Denied _Koth_ Application

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New member
↬ IGN (In-Game Name): _Koth_

↬ Age: 18 (19 in October)

↬ Region (EU/NA/Other): NA

↬ Do you have any previous staff experience?: None

↬ Why would you like to become a staff member?: Throughout the years I've spent playing on this server, I've always aspired to be part of the Sage staff team. The primary reason I want to become a staff member is to contribute to the welfare of the players and give back to this amazing community. I've noticed an unfortunate increase in the number of cheaters on the server, and I firmly believe that I can make a difference in addressing this issue. I possess the necessary skills to handle various situations effectively, always striving for fairness and providing individuals with opportunities to rectify their behavior. Having built friendships with some of the current staff members, I genuinely believe that I would integrate well within the existing team and complement their dynamics. The chance to collaborate with the staff members I've admired and enjoyed talking to would be incredibly fulfilling. Moreover, working as a staff member would present invaluable opportunities for personal growth and learning. Conflict resolution, and fostering a positive environment. Ultimately, my aspiration to become staff on Sage stems from a genuine passion for supporting the players, combatting cheaters, and being part of a team dedicated to creating an enjoyable experience for all. I'm eager to bring my dedication, skills, and enthusiasm to the role, making a positive impact on the server and its community.

↬ If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: If accepted, I am dedicated to fulfilling the role of a staff member to the best of my abilities. I believe in actively listening to the community, to fix and help their issues and concerns. To further improve my own skills and contribute effectively, I would actively engage with higher ranking staff members in team speak, learning from their experience. As a staff member, my primary goal is to get a sense of trust within the server's player base. I aim to be a friend and a reliable piller of support for all members. By actively interacting with players, I will create a positive environment where they feel comfortable approaching me. Building strong relationships with the community will enable me to better understand their needs and address them promptly. My commitment extends to enhancing the server as a whole. I will dedicate my time and effort to make it a better place for everyone. From assisting new members in learning the intricacies of claiming, to effectively dealing with issues such as insiders and cheaters, I will actively contribute to maintaining a fair and enjoyable gameplay experience. In summary, if given the opportunity, I will strive to be a proactive and be a supportive staff member. By fostering open communication, building trust, and addressing player concerns, I aim to make a positive impact on the overall player experience.

↬ If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? My honesty would be a 8. I stay truthful unless its absolutely necessary for example, a player is asking for some ones ban history or things of that nature.

↬ Can any current staff members vouch for you?: No

↬ How active can you be (Hours per day):
Monday - 9 AM PM CST - 2 AM CST
Tuesday - 1:30 PM CST - 11 PM CST
Wednesday - 9:00 AM CST - 2 AM CST
Thursday - 1:30 PM CST - 2 AM CST
Friday - 3:40 AM CST - 2 AM CST
Saturday - 10 AM CST - 2 AM CST
Sunday - 10 AM CST - 2 AM CST

↬ What is your discord @?: xKoth#3579

↬ Additional Information (optional): I have been playing this server for a about 2 to 3 years at this point and I have enjoyed all of it. I want to do the right thing and want to help out the best I can. Much love to all.
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