Denied 240CPS | SagePvP Staff Application

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IGN - 240CPS

Age: 15

Region - NA

Do you have any previous staff experience?: No, fresh and new.

Why would you like to become a staff member?: Because I want to help people mostly and learn the ways of a staff member.
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: Well, I will try to respond to every Player that need assistances on a Hacker , Bug Issue, and Store Issues, and also want to learn the ropes of a staff member so I can be able to help other Minecraft servers. Also I want to become friends with most of the staff members so their won't be any issues with me or any of the staff members helping SagePvp

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? It would be a 8, because everyone isn't perfect such as me, and I don't give myself a 10 is because I have lied in the past and its not good to lie to Higher Ups and Other Staff members.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: No.

How active can you be (Hours per day): I can be on for at least 10 - 11 hours a day, because sometimes I have school which is Monday - Friday, and during the weekdays I can get at least 5 or 4 hours in because of school. Also sometimes I will have to be business such as school events, Outside activity with the family or out with my friends sometimes.

What is your telegram @?: @vDoxxs

What is your discord @?: Dill Dough#1503 (Sorry for the name forgot the password to change it.)

Additional Information (optional)?: Yes, I have a condition called AD-HD which sometimes make me very talkative and very hiper so if do get accepted as a Trial-Mod please tell me to calm down by any means. ( I don't sound my age but I was born in January 15, 2007 which currently makes me 15)
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