Denied wetpp's Staff Application

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New member
IGN (In-Game Name): wetpp

Age: 15 years old

Region (EU/NA/Other): NA

Do you have any previous staff experience?: I have been a staff member on a factions server. Both averaged 200 + players. The names of the servers were Omnia craft and Royal craft. At Omnia craft, I was a very dedicated staff member on the team. I was a moderator after 4 months of staff on the server. I started as a helper and got promoted to Jr.Mod then to Moderator. I sadly resigned after the server started to do bad things which I shall not speak of. I started off as a helper on the Royal Craft network. I was promoted to a Jr.Moderator after 3 months of staffing. I then got demoted after having “ close relationship “ with a fellow staff member that abused. they think i was going to betray as well but it wouldn’t have happened.

Why would you like to become a staff member?: If I was staff I would be on all the time. I actively will be doing support rooms. I will be doing them as much as possible. This would make the staff team a way better spot for everyone in the community. Overall the server is very enjoyable to play and most definitely enjoyable to staff on. This would be a good opportunity for me and sage to work together... Overall I would love to be staff on Sage because it's my main server and I understand how the playstyle is.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: If I was to be accepted, I would improve the player's experience by helping a lot. I will interact with the community in TeamSpeak, Discord, Twitter, and in-game. I will give them tips and tricks on how to play and get rich. I will be on at all times helping everyone out. No matter how tough the situation I will always find my best way to get them the right answer. No matter how I need to reach people or who I reach to find an answer. I will make every player my duty to have their best map and experience on the SagePvP network.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? 10, I don't really care who you are. You need to follow the rules. I will do my job as well to keep you following the rules. I tell the truth to everyone. If you want to be a good staff you will need to be mature. Being mature is a key part of getting people to listen to you and believe what you are saying. If you do not take action maturely it can lead you into a bad spot. On several servers I have staffed on; some people were very immature while banning people or muting/anything of that matter. They would mess around and it would dig them into a deep trench and the server along with it. Being staff is a big role on a server and you need to make sure everything you are doing is right and that you did not do anything falsely or something that offends or can hurt others.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: Yes, Elway can vouch for me being a chill, mature, and honest person.

Additional Information?: I don't know if staff members get paid, but you don't need to pay me. I just have a lot of time on my hands.
tele : @wetpp
discord : wetpp#2315
I also have teamspeak of course.


Well-known member
im literally looking at ur replies and ALL you do is -1 staff apps and i also have no idea who you are and ive never met you on sage so im going to assume your trolling
no I’m not trolling I minuses 2 because a lot of grammar mistakes, not enough spelling, not proof of staff experience and I’ve never seen u on sage before. And now you’re extremely toxic.


Well-known member
im literally looking at ur replies and ALL you do is -1 staff apps and i also have no idea who you are and ive never met you on sage so im going to assume your trolling
Looks like 10 other people agree your application is terrible


Well-known member
His own vouch even thinks his application is bad


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Thanks for taking the time to create an application, but we won't be moving forward with it at this time.
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