Denied Carbonise's Staff Application

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IGN (In-Game Name):
CST (Central Standard Time)
Do you have any previous staff experience?:
CavePvP: Platform Admin (I don't have any proof but I have a lot of vouches so if you don't believe me just ask Simply)
AuroraMC - Manager (Proof in ScreenShot)

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I have heard a lot of positive things about Sage so I wanted to check the server out. After playing the server for a little while I felt like it would fit me really well to be a staff on it. The server has a pretty good sized player base and that means more opportunities to help new or returning players. I also felt like me having a decent experience as a staff member that I could really benefit the community and other staff members. Sage is a server that I always felt was a good server and now I want to help players instead of being a player. Also I really like the community on Sage. I believe that Sage community is a little more grown up and less immature than other HCF communties. For example servers like Cave have a very toxic player base so I want to staff on a server like Sage so even though there may be some toxicity there isn't a whole lot so I can stay motivated a staff member. Also building bonds with players should be easier since they're not toxic and respectful people not immature twelve year olds. I also want to help the server grow even more than it has already.
Since as I stated before I like the server this to me means that i can help the players to stay happy meaning that the new players joining the server will have an more enjoyable time then without my helping. Me making them have a more enjoyable time could happen in multiple was including banning potential hackers, quicker teamspeak help, and quicker ingame help. Over my time staffing I believe that this makes a player very happy with the server that he or she is playing on.
Cleaning up
I want to help make the server less full of cheaters and hackers, as I have stated multiple times before this a player’s first impression on the server will most likely be on cheaters. If there are more cheaters on another server than another server the player is more likely to switch servers. This means that since the player switched server due to cheaters I want to fix that. Since I am very active on the server I can ban most of the cheaters making mostly everyone very happy.​

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I'm mature in the HCF gamemode. I have been playing HCF for around two years now so I'm pretty well versed in everything when it comes to HCF. I can provide good support to new players while also providing good support to people with more complex or intricate questions. Also I'm mature as a person; I'm not some young kid who is going to rage I am pretty mature and I know how to make sure people get proper support even when I cannot do what they are asking.
As I said before I have been playing HCF for awhile so I have really good knowledge about the gamemode so I can answer any questions new or old players may have and I already know how to screenshare pretty well and I know most to all commands.
Personally I believe I have a very good understanding on how to be a good staff member on any server. I understand how a staff member is suppose to be at all times. This is something I believe that some less experienced applicants have a problem with. Having staff on around 2 servers starts to give you this understanding on the basic concept on being a staff member.
I am willing to bring more dedication to the server. I'm going to be active and I'm going to be helpful. I'm going to make sure people have the best times they can have on Sage as possible
If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
Personally I'll give myself a 8. When it comes to some things in my personal life I don't really like to discuss I'll lie like where I'm from etc. But when it comes to minecraft I'm not going to lie to try to get myself out of trouble. I know that just admitting to something you did wrong is better than getting caught up in a world of lies.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?:
Additional Information?:

Thank you for consideration​


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You were staff for long on AuroraMC... dealt the dedication is really there
I got manager two weeks before SOTW and after the SOTW the server shut down because the owners didn't have time for it. If the server where to have remained up I would of stayed staff on there. If you dont believe me reach out to Spleefing or Wamens and ask how I was a staff.


Legendary Member
I got manager two weeks before SOTW and after the SOTW the server shut down because the owners didn't have time for it. If the server where to have remained up I would of stayed staff on there. If you dont believe me reach out to Spleefing or Wamens and ask how I was a staff.

Between the image you’ve taken and to now it’s only been a week, I’d expect at least two weeks to a month before applying...


Between the image you’ve taken and to now it’s only been a week, I’d expect at least two weeks to a month before applying...
I was Mod then Plat Admin which the photo doesn't show. Also The amount of time between me applying doesn't matter like at all. I'm not applying on multiple servers and I asked Spleefing if it was okay to apply on a different server after resigning and he didn't mind either. Also I'm not server hopping if that's what your thinking. If you have any other criticisms than that I'd be glad to hear them.


Legendary Member
I was Mod then Plat Admin which the photo doesn't show. Also The amount of time between me applying doesn't matter like at all. I'm not applying on multiple servers and I asked Spleefing if it was okay to apply on a different server after resigning and he didn't mind either. Also I'm not server hopping if that's what your thinking. If you have any other criticisms than that I'd be glad to hear them.

Alright, you’re server hopping as you’ve waited a matter of days between switching. Aurora’s management was awful which you clearly were apart of. Back in the Valid/CavePvP days you were inactive af and when you were online complete trash. Don’t really like talking shit on threads but you wanted the truth...


Alright, you’re server hopping as you’ve waited a matter of days between switching. Aurora’s management was awful which you clearly were apart of. Back in the Valid/CavePvP days you were inactive af and when you were online complete trash. Don’t really like talking shit on threads but you wanted the truth...
You clearly have no idea what you're saying at this point. You don't know Aurora's mangament. You weren't even in the discord so you would have no idea how it went down or the internal stuff going on so it's not your place to say anything. Also for the CavePvP thing I had the top two most playtime when I was staff because the manager (Vestinq) recorded the playtime and factored that into promotions and demotions. If I was a trash staff I wouldn't of reached Platform Admin and I don't mind you talking shit you're entitled to your own opinions. Just when you do make sure it is something that is actually true and not just your personal opinion of me.


Alright, you’re server hopping as you’ve waited a matter of days between switching. Aurora’s management was awful which you clearly were apart of. Back in the Valid/CavePvP days you were inactive af and when you were online complete trash. Don’t really like talking shit on threads but you wanted the truth...
If you want to keep debating we can always talk in DMs so we don't spam the comments on my application


Legendary Member
You clearly have no idea what you're saying at this point. You don't know Aurora's mangament. You weren't even in the discord so you would have no idea how it went down or the internal stuff going on so it's not your place to say anything. Also for the CavePvP thing I had the top two most playtime when I was staff because the manager (Vestinq) recorded the playtime and factored that into promotions and demotions. If I was a trash staff I wouldn't of reached Platform Admin and I don't mind you talking shit you're entitled to your own opinions. Just when you do make sure it is something that is actually true and not just your personal opinion of me.

As soon as sheep replies I’ll post everything you’ll need to see, I remember you.
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