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Active member
I am in the process of uploading a video of me typing my staff application. I will link it in my application once it is finished.


Legendary Member
On Valux you couldn’t search the entire computer, you had to follow the guide and the integrity tool tracked that


Network Admin
Anticheat Manager
Neutral, proof would be amazing.
As i said I can vouch for him beeing an ex staff on sage. I believe his ign say ImJustEd or something like that. I remember you as a chill guy that didn't really know what he was doing. (My personal opinion)


Active member
As i said I can vouch for him beeing an ex staff on sage. I believe his ign say ImJustEd or something like that. I remember you as a chill guy that didn't really know what he was doing. (My personal opinion)
Yea you are right. I did gain tons of experience and I feel I’m a lot better know.
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