Denied Zoomety staff appcliation


Known member
IGN (In-Game Name):Zoomety

↬ Age:15

↬ Region (EU/NA/Other):Eu

↬ Do you have any previous staff experience?:No but at this server i hope i could get some personaly i think i would be good i would not treat people differently

↬ Why would you like to become a staff member?: I would like to become a staff member because some of my past faction members have been accepted and they say they enjoy it so i want to see how it goes. I would also like to be part of my past faction to join the staff team and help the community.

↬ If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:I would be fair and wouldn't treat people differently to others and be fair.

↬ If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? If I were to rate my honesty on a scale of 1-10 i would put a 9. The reasoning behind this is no one is perfect.

↬ Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) Pinksheep20077

↬ Can you meet the weekly requirement of a minimum of 12 hours playtime per map? (If you cannot meet this then your application will automatically be denied.) I can indeed meet the weekly playtime of 12 hours and surpass the playtime by a few hours or even a day.

What is your telegram @ZoometyHCF

↬ What is your discord @?:Zoomety#0007

↬ Additional Information (optional)?: Thank you to whomever read this application. Enjoy the rest of your day.


Established member
IGN (In-Game Name):Zoomety

↬ Age:15

↬ Region (EU/NA/Other):Eu

↬ Do you have any previous staff experience?:No but at this server i hope i could get some personaly i think i would be good i would not treat people differently

↬ Why would you like to become a staff member?: I would like to become a staff member because some of my past faction members have been accepted and they say they enjoy it so i want to see how it goes. I would also like to be part of my past faction to join the staff team and help the community.

↬ If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:I would be fair and wouldn't treat people differently to others and be fair.

↬ If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? If I were to rate my honesty on a scale of 1-10 i would put a 9. The reasoning behind this is no one is perfect.

↬ Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) Pinksheep20077

↬ Can you meet the weekly requirement of a minimum of 12 hours playtime per map? (If you cannot meet this then your application will automatically be denied.) I can indeed meet the weekly playtime of 12 hours and surpass the playtime by a few hours or even a day.

What is your telegram @ZoometyHCF

↬ What is your discord @?:Zoomety#0007

↬ Additional Information (optional)?: Thank you to whomever read this application. Enjoy the rest of your day.
-1 obvious reasons