Denied ZeroAndMidget's Application [NA]


Known member
IGN: ZeroAndMidget

Age: 14 (Turning 15 in October)

Timezone: PST

Country: United States

Do you own a quality microphone?: Yes

Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?:
I have all 3 of them. Discord:ZeroAndMidget#4695 , Telegram: @ZeroAndMidget

Do you have any previous staff experiences?:

CrystalPVP: [Owner]
I owned a pretty small server, I used a free host because I wanted to try it and maybe in the future make a successful one.

DcUniverse: [Admin]
Here I helped moderate a very well known skyblock server, owned by the YouTuber SeanYT. My job was to keep the chat clean, help out players, made sure there were no cheaters, move people in discord. A few staff members resigned and the server started dying so I decided to stay and try my best to keep it up running.

There Isn't proof of me being admin but there is the proof of being staff

IgnitedMC: [Moderator]
Here I helped moderate a faction server owned by a friend I met by playing Minecraft. My job was to clean chat and helped anyone who needed it.

AraPVP: [Helper]
On this HCF server, I applied for staff and got accepted before it released, I resigned because someone who had ownership of the TeamSpeak was going to leak our IPs. I didn't feel safe and the only way I felt safe was to resign.

When I was staffing for the servers sated above I learned how to:

* Deal with players in TeamSpeak and Discord
* Work together as a team to solve problems
* Deal with different scenarios
* Meet new people who I never talked to
* Use staff commands
* Be Professional

Why do you want to become staff?:

I wanna make sure that Sage won't have any hackers that would make the SagePVP community boring and annoying for people having to get in Teamspeak to get revived every time they die to a hacker on HCF or losing some OP stuff to a hacker and I have experienced both and It honestly sucked so I want to make sure that no hackers or exploiters in the community so it is fair for everyone. I like talking/meeting new players I never talked to. I find Sage a place to actually enjoy HCF and chill around with your friends so I just want to help the community with anything and I want to answer as many questions as I can. I've played sage for a long time now and I can answer many questions that players would ask about. I watched many videos about HCF staff series and It looks really fun and I wanted to give it a try on a big server like SagePvP. If I get staff I would even consider recording staff series on the server.

Why should we accept you as staff?:

I've been playing sage since January 2019, I have seen this server grow a lot since then. I want to help make the SagePVP community a good place for people to play in. I like making new friends and talk to people I've never talked to before. I think sage is a fast growing community out there and I want to help it grow.Out of my experience of being staff, a lot of people are toxic, cheating, and not playing the game legit, I want to eliminate as much of that as I can so the server is fair for everyone. I think I should also be accepted because I am really active, I am really dedicated and I never give up. A few servers I worked for, they just give up because they don't have a lot of players but I try my best to convince them to not give up. I also look at TeamSpeak every 5-10 mins to make sure no one is waiting in TeamSpeak for help and wait for a long time as I have seen a lot of people waiting for many hours.

On the weekdays I can be on for about 5-6 hours. On Saturday I can be on for 7-8 hours and on Sunday I can play for 10-12 hours.
I am really active/got a lot of free time.

I am a nice person. I may have been toxic a few times because people just like to make me mad for no reason. I get mad easily but ever since I made the right friends who can help me out, I'm getting better and what II should do when I am mad, I also try my best to not take my anger on someone else. I try my best to be not toxic at all times.If someone is being toxic to me I would just tell them to calm down or ignore them if they don't.

In general, I am a mature person I would say im an 8/10 but I'm still trying to improve. I am 14 years old. I have a little sister so I have to act as mature as I can to give a good example for her. I joke around with friends or other people but I know when is the right time to joke around and the right time to not joke around

If I ever make a mistake I will take full responsibility and never lie or blame it on someone else. I am very truthful in what I say.
I've learned to not lie and be truthful ever since I was a kid and if I were to make a mistake I would be honest and say I did it and I will try my best to not do it again.

If I come across a problem I will stay calm and try to find a solution for it, If I can't find any solution I will get someone who can help me.
I am good at communicating with my friends or family whenever I need their help.

In my opinion, the server wouldn't be fair and fun if staff members will abuse. People would also be quitting the server because of the unfairness.
I would never abuse for anyone If they are a friend or faction member and they ask me to abuse I wouldn't do it because everyone should be treated the same

I will respect the players the same as I would respect my peers. I think its only fair if everyone is treated the same no matter who you are. Even if its someone who I don't like and I am their teammate I will deal with it and try to be friends. I will respect others like how I want to be respected.

I have been bullied at school for my height, I don't care what they say I just ignore them. If it gets to the point where I can't take it any more then I will do something about it.

Can any staff members on the team vouch for you?
Yes, WindowsVistaXP

Additional Information:
Monday: 5-6 Hours a day
Tuesday: 5-6 Hours a day
Wednesday:5-6 Hours a day
Thursday: 5-6 Hours a day
Friday: 5-6 Hours a day
Saturday: 7-8 Hours a day
Sunday: 10-12 hours a day
Last edited:
I know zero and midget he’s a cool guy he’s very respectful and would be a great staff member he put lots of work in this application and did a good job he deserves a role in the community and has been doing a great job at everything he help me out when I need it even tho he isn’t even staff so if you give this man staff he would be a even bigger help not just to me but to the community of sagepvp network I know he wouldent abuse because we always talked about what he would do if he became staff if I had a choice I would say +1


Known member
I know zero and midget he’s a cool guy he’s very respectful and would be a great staff member he put lots of work in this application and did a good job he deserves a role in the community and has been doing a great job at everything he help me out when I need it even tho he isn’t even staff so if you give this man staff he would be a even bigger help not just to me but to the community of sagepvp network I know he wouldent abuse because we always talked about what he would do if he became staff if I had a choice I would say +1
Thank you <3


Well-known member
I met ZeroAndMidget today very chilled out and nice guy lets everyone fish and isn't toxic. He is very well known aswell and yous should really consider him :D


Known member
I met ZeroAndMidget today very chilled out and nice guy lets everyone fish and isn't toxic. He is very well known aswell and yous should really consider him :D
It isn't true that I'm not toxic but it is true I am really nice, you just have to know both sides of me. Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Legendary Member
In pure honesty, I don't think you have what it takes to become staff, firstly your age is a BIG - for Botings as he tends to accept 15/16 year olds. Final reason, from my personal experience with you whilst I was Admin, I didn't feel as if you would be right for staff, toxicity wise, and genuine person wise.


Known member
In pure honesty, I don't think you have what it takes to become staff, firstly your age is a BIG - for Botings as he tends to accept 15/16 year olds. Final reason, from my personal experience with you whilst I, was Admin, I didn't feel as if you would be right for staff, toxicity wise, and genuine person wise.
Yea I know I'm toxic but people have different opinions on me and I'm just giving it another try. Thank you tho.


Known member

  • Age is not a concern most of the time; it's normally about maturity.
  • You do have a good amount of detail, definitely a good application!
Good luck!


Well-known member
- good amount of details
- lots of past experience
- meets all requirements
- the only Ares rank that isn't toxic I know him since a good time and I never saw him toxic only once he was toxic because he got false muted


Well-known member
ZeroAndMidget is a great guy, he will do his best to help someone whenever they need it. He would fit perfectly in the staff team, and do his best to provide the best he could at all times.
-great detail
-meets requirments
-is a great guy in general


Known member
ZeroAndMidget is a great guy, he will do his best to help someone whenever they need it. He would fit perfectly in the staff team, and do his best to provide the best he could at all times.
-great detail
-meets requirments
-is a great guy in general