Denied Youtube Rank


New member
IGN (In-Game Name):Whosice

YouTube/Twitch channel link:

Amount of subscribers: 382

How many videos have you uploaded on the server?: None yet im just looking to get a rank to start uploading since its diffucult with the rank I have now.

How many videos do you plan to upload on the server per week?: 2-3

Social Blade link: Dont have one

What rank are you applying for (Streamer, YouTube, Famous)?: Youtube


New member
IGN (In-Game Name): miixey

YouTube/Twitch channel link:

Amount of subscribers: 206

How many videos have you uploaded on the server?: None yet I'm just looking to get a rank to start uploading since its difficult with the rank I have now.

How many videos do you plan to upload on the server per week?: 2-3

Social Blade link:

What rank are you applying for (Streamer, YouTube, Famous)?: Youtube