Denied Youtube Rank - ErrorL


New member
IGN (In Game Name): ErrorL

Youtube Channel (Link):

Amount Of Subscribers: 570

How many videos do you have on SagePvP? I currently do not have any, but keep reading, if I get youtube rank I am planning to make a full dedication to the server by recording every 2 days when I have access to my pc on Sage. I will be very active with my recordings, and I will put so much effort in all of my videos on SagePvP. Trust me. This will be super cool recording for SagePvP. I also will stop recording on Viper if I get Youtube rank.

Average amount of views per video: 300-400 (goes higher by the day)

Will you be seriously committed to uploading on the server? Very committed.

Why do you want to have the famous / youtube rank on our network: I would love to have Youtube rank of your server because I always see my friends playing sage and a lot of my friends are youtubers. I also would like to help out your server. I was recommended by SwiftyyBoiii who was very nice to me.
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Known member
Once you have uploaded 2 or more videos on sage. you may re apply. If you want the rank before uploading videos please join ts @ and put -Herbz next to your name to discuss it, Thanks.