Denied War_420's Staff Application.

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New member
IGN (In-Game Name): My in game name is War_420

Age: I'm 18 years old.

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time.

Do you have any previous staff experience? (If so, list them below):
Paze Network
(My Network):

So basically, this was my network, we had about 150 people in our discord, and we would have up to 50 players when we would un whitelist our server. This server gave me a lot of hands on experience with handling players, my own staff team, and coding things such as practice, skywars, kitmap, and bunkers. I made the Spawn to the server, and the spawn for Practice. This server stayed up for well over a year, and it was a long journey. Paze was a big project, and was one of the only projects that I have done and started from the ground up. I built up Paze recruiting staff members, making my own staff documents, and also coding everything. It gave me a lot of experience, because I had to pay for everything, and I had to deal with people in the real world, this experience really opened my eyes to what the real world is like and real life expectations. I have learned from my own network to be Professional, Mature, and open to anything.

Rank: Owner


Zelix Network:

I was staff on the Zelix Network for a little period of time. On this server, I got my experience in Discord/TeamSpeak dealing with players, and what happened on the server that they need help with. A lot of experience that I got with Zelix is banning people, screen sharing, reading reports, and also reading the anti cheat. Zelix had a really configured anti cheat, and there were certain things that you had to study, like Reach type D, is a bannable offense, because thats the highest reach you can set off, etc. There were things that I did in order to be staff on Zelix because I am a devoted staff member and am willing to do things for my server. But, I had a lot of trouble with Zelix which let me to leave the server. Zelix did give me a lot of experience and I really enjoyed my time on Zelix, Overall Zelix gave me a lot of experience with more out of game things revolving with the players and things about the server.

Rank: Trial Mod
Proof: I do not have any proof, as I got logged out of my old email, and also the website has gone down.

Valux Network:

This was the first larger network that I was staff on, I thought I would put it lower then the other ones because its the server I spent almost little to no time being staff on, this was about 2 years ago when it shut down the first time, thats why I am no longer staff on Valux. This was the first time I think I have ever ScreenShared people, also answered questions in TeamSpeak. I did not get a lot of experience from being staff on this server, but I did learn how to handle with players joining teamspeak. I questioned them, and I got SS’ed Verified on Valux.

Rank: Trial Mod

Proof: I’m pretty sure on my old computer I have some pictures of me screen sharing people, or proof of people hacking from Valux, but since then the Website has shut down and I can not access the things I need for proof from 2 years ago.

ValorPvP.Zone (Quartar’s Server):

I was one of the first people to ever join Quartar’s server, and I ended up being Admin and other things on Quartar’s server. I went through good times and bad times on Valor, and being staff on here helped me actually find out a lot more about the game it self. I got to build maps, build another practice spawn, and bond with my staff members.

Rank: Mod-Admin

Proof: Ask Quartar.

Zoruh Network (Bl4styMineman’s Server)

I was staff on the Zoruh network for a little period of time, this experience was fun and intelligible as I learned a lot more about the community, and the infrastructure of the game. This network I was only Trial-Mod on was it was in its Beta Stage. I have already been banned 4 times at least for my broken Rival 300 Steelseries mouse that is now thrown away, and when it was whitelisted I got banned, and the Manager demoted me, right before the Network shut down.

Rank: Trial-Mod

Proof: Ask Bl4styMineman

Ortix Network

I was a Manager on Ortix Network until it shut down, the server isnt a thing anymore, but I handled staff applications, handled the staff, announcements, and also I was dealing with people in the game, and in discord. Ortix gave me a lot of experience with the real world, a ton of players in game, and people being obnoxious, and sending IP’s in chat, and also spamming in chat. Ortix gave me a lot of patience, and a lot of hard work to do, and I don’t regret it, Ortix had 80-90 players on for an open beta 2 months ago.

Rank: Manager

Proof: (bottom right, and im only manager in the discord because the discord is still a thing, not the server, im not staff on any servers at the moment.)

Ikari Network:

I was a moderator on the Ikari Network for like a week, it didn’t go so well, the staff team was really toxic, and on top of that, someone hacked my account and banned 2 players, so it caused a lot of drama for the staff team, and myself, I just had them ban my account, so it wouldn’t ban anymore players, and just told them to demote me, I moved my Minecraft email, to a brand new one, with a insanely hard password no one can guess. But, since that happened about 6 months ago, I sold my main fully, moved it to a new email, and gave them full access, and I bought an alt, which I use now.

Rank: Mod


Minemen Club:

I was a moderator on the Minemen Club network for a while, everything went smooth, except for the toxicity, and other things that didn't go as planned on the MinemenClub Network, I am no longer affiliated with MinemenClub or any of the staff members on that network.

Rank: Mod

Proof: (I never got a pic of me being Mod, and my old IGN is Redetermine.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
  1. Ambitious:

I am super ambitious when it comes to something that I love to do and most of all love to play on. I love to see the finished product of something that I have done or have been working on for a long while. I take time out of my week every week, every day, to devote to the server that I am working on, I have currently taken time off of the game, and staffing in general, to find myself, and to find how to be a better person, and I think the amazing platform of SagePvP is an amazing place where I can do this! SagePvP is an amazing place so far and I’ve spent a lot of time in the discord, and also joined for the release. I really fell in love with trying to be a part of SagePvP and I have set my mind on success for the server.

2. Honesty:

I am very honest when it comes to sticking up for someone, my staff team, or my fellow friends, or even if it is something that I did wrong. If I do something wrong, I will always confess because it is just the person that I am. And I accept my punishment to make me a better person. I think this sets me aside from a lot of people because, most people like to bear there lies within them to get them less in trouble, but everyone gets caught, so I use the lies and the things that I have done wrong to turn me into a better person and I am absolutely honest with everyone, including in this staff application. Being honest feels way better than lying, especially to my significant others, being the staff team. If I were to join this amazing staff team on SagePvP, I would always be honest.

3. Loyalty:

I am loyal to the server that I am staffing on, also the staff team members (significant others). Loyalty is something that I think that everyone needs, and I already have. Loyalty is basically being devoted completely to one thing. Most people are going to be on other servers, and will hop on occasionally when they can. But I can assure you, that I am different from everyone else, because I am going to be spending all of my time, helping the higher staff members with anything, and over all making the environment that SagePvP is a better, safer, and more enjoyable place for everyone to enjoy.

4. Responsibility:

This one is a big one for me. When I was younger I wasn’t very responsible and most of the time blamed things on other people to get myself out of trouble. But where I am today, I always take full responsibility for my actions and make sure that I am responsible for whatever I have done. Responsibility is everywhere, in school, in game, at home, anywhere. If I were in game and did something wrong, of course I would take responsibility for it because it is who I am. Responsibility is something a lot of people lack, and something that I have. Responsibility is something that you can count on me for.

5. Perseverance:

This is something that I have had since I was a little kid. The drive and the focus to get something done in the best and neatest way I can. I think this character trait is great for a server because if there is a big project that needs to be done to be released to the public then I will be able to get it done, because I have that drive and the hunger to get something done in a short amount of time, basically I am a really hard worker, and I try hard on everything, no matter how long it takes, I will always do my best and leave it better than when I first got with it.

I think that I should be staff because I am determined, and motivated, to be staff on SagePvP. I am great at Staffing, I have a extended amount of experience staffing on bigger networks. I have a lot of great character traits that I can bring to the server with a great and positive experience.

I can bring a new, hungry, motivated staff member, willing to be on all of the time. I am going to be one of the most active staff members, motivated staff members, and determined staff members, to get promotions, ban cheaters, and mute toxic people.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I think that if I get accepted as a Staff Member I can not only improve the players experience, but the staff members as well. I think that I am really fun and upbringing to be around as I love to work with everyone and give everyone advice on how to work better as well as just be friends with everyone. I can improve players experiences with the way that I work. I'm very friendly, active, and devoted to the minecraft community because I care about it and where it is headed. (shoutout headed). Overall, I will be in TeamSpeak, and in game almost all the time, willing to help anyone and everyone in whatever they need. I think that's what most servers lack. A person who is there all the time to help everyone, or as much people as they can. And I'm that guy.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?:

No, I don't think I have every spoken personally to any of them, but I would love to get to know them!

Additional Information?:

Nothing additional to add, except that I took really long on this application, and I tried my best to fill out a mature, professional, and understandable application. Thank you for reading, and I hope that all of you reading have a wonderful day! <3

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Established member

- Lack of information on 'If accepted, how would you improve players' experience'
- IKARI Proof isn't valid as you didn't have the previous name Adaptability
- Discord proof isn't valid


New member

- Lack of information on 'If accepted, how would you improve players' experience'
- IKARI Proof isn't valid as you didn't have the previous name Adaptability
- Discord proof isn't valid
I have 2 accounts, I sold the other one, my main was ingrown, but I sold that when I quit the game a while back. I now own the account War_420, but I'm Adaptability, as well as ingrown, which Adaptability is ingrown.


Active member
+ 0.5

- Lack of proof.
Proof is important, yes you have proof but on
many spots, you are lacking. They cannot trust you
if you do not add enough proof.


Active member
I don't think you want to be staff on Sage because you are ambitious or honest. I think you need to re-think the question


Thank you for taking the time to submit an application, but unfortunately it’s been denied.

- With that much staff experience, what is there to make me think you'll be here long?

You may re-apply in 2 weeks time. Please take this time to revise your application if need be.
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