Denied TrexYT's Staff Application


New member
Staff Application:
IGN (In-Game Name):



Region (EU/NA/Other):
NA - Canada EST

Do you have any previous staff experience?:

BlizzardMC -
Junior Moderator
SOTW = 100+
Playerbase = 50 - 150
Discord = 3000+

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I started playing Factions about 4 years ago and still play sometimes but the factions community and theme has died out and HCF is the new big thing I recently started to play HCF server like CavePvP, Faithful (before it was banned) and of course Sage which is my favorite out of all of them. SagePvP is my favorite because of many reasons, some of the reasons are: The kind Staff and Higher-ups, the community, the aspect of gameplay, the events. I Also want to become staff because I get a few perks like meeting new people learning new things and gaining leadership skills from lower staff and players.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:


In the past few years the Minecraft community has clearly shown it's immaturity and because of that I strive to be the opposite.
In my opinion there are a few things you have to be or not be to be mature and here are a few of them: Racism, in my opinion racism is very immature and people now just take it as a joke racism is not a joke and is a issue that the world needs to solve. We should never judge someone because they look different to us.

I believe that every person should be treated the same no matter age, sex, race, or appearance. I believe that no one should be punished for something they didn't do. I am all for equality and don't make my own rules for me or friends to benefit off.

Whilst I'm mainly nice most of the time, if someone pushes me hard enough I will get angry which I find is one of my weaknesses that I am trying to fix. I try my best not to get angry at the players or other staff but everybody has a bad day sometimes but that doesn't mean the person can go unpunished.

I am friendly and kind to others who I do not know. I feel like we should treat everyone with respect and kindness this attitude can help benefit the server and the player. when you are kind you will be trusted and liked by the players and when the staff is well-liked the server's reputation will be boosted.

I am able to be extremely active and will be able to provide support almost whenever I am online.

Timezone: EST

Hours: (per week)
: 9 AM » 11:30 PM
Tuesday: 9 AM » 11:30 PM
Wednesday: 11:30 AM» 8 PM
Thursday: 3 PM » 12 AM
Friday: 4:00 PM » 12 AM
Saturday: 10 PM » 10 PM
Sunday: 10 am » 7 PM

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
I would rate my honesty a 7 out of 10. I would not give my self a 10 because I would be lying which defeats the whole purpose of the question I think honesty is confusing because sometimes we need to lie to make the person happy I may lie sometimes but that is just human no one is prefect and what we have to do is just to try our best to be as honest as we can

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)


Additional Information?:

Thank you for taking the time in reading my application!​
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