Denied Towbyy's Staff Application

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IGN (In-Game Name): Towbyy
Age: 15
Region (EU/NA/Other): NA
Do you have any previous staff experience?:
Yes, I have a multitude of staffing experience ranging from factions to hardcore factions however all servers had one thing in common and that is the requirement of respect and maturity. My first major staffing experience was @ MapleCraft a factions server. The server averaged about 100-200 players (counting afk spawner bots). I was demoted from the server due to "abusing" the incident occurred when I did /mutechat during the beta release of the server trying to test the bugs, the owner did not see it that way and decided to remove me from the staff team. I got as far as Trial-Mod on the server and lasted about 2 months, I was the most respected, active and well known staff on the server at that time which leads me to my other staffing experience @ SurrealCraft. This server's manager played on MapleCraft and acknowledged and admired my active, maturity, respect and grind for the server and for that he came to me instantly after I was demoted offering me trial mod at SurrealCraft(avg 200-300 players). However I left SurrealCraft August 24, 2021 due to the fact that I had a high chance for an Open Interview at CavePvP because of my multiple admin vouches, however after the manager Zach talked to management they decided they could not because of my age which at the time was 14 I just turned 15 today. Finally my third staffing experience was a Hardcore Factions server named TestingHCF which is a Hardcore Factions server that averaged about 30 players, I stayed there for about 4-5 months and worked my way to Admin before I left the server ultimately before it died due to issues within management and just immature staff in general.
Why would you like to become a staff member?: I would like to become a staff member on SagePvP for many reasons mainly because I want to further improve players' experience. Let's start with the first reason I would like to become staff at the server. I have noticed recently that a lot of staff are inactive... I want to fix that, I believe that if I were staff on the server that I would be one of the if not the most active staff member as I'm easily able to dedicate 4-5 hours a weekday and 8+ hours a weekend to the server. Next, I believe that the server has some notable issues regarding staff's interaction with the player base.. this is shown for instance when I was in teamspeak once and a moderator called me a "retard" to another staff member. This motivates me wanting to come to the server so I am able to fix that and improve the server so that I can show the utmost maturity, respect and friendliness towards ALL players no matter how they act towards me. Lastly, I would like to become staff at the server because of the potential I believe the server has... I see so much in it however the staff team in maturity and respect is lacking and I want to become a staff member to improve that aspect of the server.
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: I believe that I can improve players experience by being respectful, mature and helpful towards them. Firstly I believe that being respectful towards players can make the server reputable for great staff members that care about the server. Next, I believe that being mature towards players on the server will higher the chances that players would want to be staff on the server.
If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? I believe that I am a 8, this is due to the fact that I tend to overexaggerate things as well as make things seem bigger than they truly are.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) Compacts
Additional Information?: N/A


Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with it at this time.
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