Denied Thrivesx's Staff Application [EU]


New member
IGN (In-Game Name):

I'm 17 years old.
Region (EU/NA/Other):
The Netherlands, EU

Do you have any previous staff experience?:

Valux ( ) – Trainee
Duration: 1-2 months

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I want to become staff because I have always enjoyed helping other people whether it's in games or real life. I have always enjoyed being a staff member, and I enjoy staffing in my free time. I believe that SagePvP could be a good place for me to continue my career as a staff member because I believe that I could learn a lot more from SagePvP. I think that the skills I have learned from my past staff experience could help me with this type of job. I decided that staffing would be the best option for me right now and I think that SagePvP is the best server to start my staff career again.


I am currently 17 years and have a job. I take responsibility, initiative, and a respectful to others. I know when a can joke around with people and then when to be serious and mature.

Hard Working
I work hard with any task that is given/assigned to me. I do anything and everything to the best of my ability, and I work hard to complete tasks and jobs that I hate.

I always very focused on my goal for whatever my goal may be. When given a task, I would make it m) goal complete that task and do it well.

If accepted to become a staff member on SagePvP I would put all of my effort, time, and skills to work for the server and the players of the server. If accepted, I would not leave or become inactive for most anything.

I have a lot of free time that I can dedicate to being on the server staffing, helping players, playing, etc. I love playing on SagePvP and have been very active on the server playing and having fun. I would like to dedicate my time to helping the server in any way that I can and I would be extremely active on the server.

While staffing, it is important that staff members remain professional. When staff members don't act professionally, it makes the staff team and entire server look bad and gain a bad reputation. When I am asked to do something, I do it when asked and on time.

I am very respectful to everyone that I meet or already know. I listen to people when they are talking and only talk over them if they are being disrespectful or if I have something to constructive that would help the situation. I think about what I am going to say before I say it and if it is not helpful I would not say it.

I have used many forms of communication such as Teamspeak, discord, skype, telegram, and much more. There are many ways that you can contact me and I can contact others, I have all the communication programs above and more.

Experienced moderators are better than not experienced moderators, and I'm pretty experienced, I've been staff a lot and never got demoted. It's really easy to see if someone is hacking if you have experience with either hacking or being staff, and if you have both of those experiences, it's really easy to see if someone is cheating.

I think you should accept me as a staff member because I have a lot of experience of being a staff member. I also want no one, literally no one, to break the rules. If any of my friends were cheating on an alt I would ban them on their main account as well. I will also be very active in teamspeak and in chat. I would say It's not really any staff that is active in teamspeak.


I think that the most crucial part of becoming a Staff member on any server is holding the Skill of maturity, I try my best during all circumstances to maintain a well-behaved manner, no matter the event

I'm a very calm guy and if someone says something rude to me, I don't take it badly and will either ask them why they said it or ignore them. I am friendly, and never salty to innocent and non-innocent players, I will always deny any non-family-friendly words


Respect is always important for a staff member. I always try to respect everyone, and I will never disrespect any staff member or any player while being a staff member. Respecting players is probably one of the most important thing you need to do, disrespecting players will make your players not enjoy playing the server, and you will not get a good server reputation

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
Listening is one of the most important abilities in order to be a staff member. Being able to understand people's situations and how they feel about it is really important.

When being Staff on such a famous server such as SagePvP, I think that maturity is needed, I have been told by many people from other servers and by people I know in real life that I'm mature when it comes to getting the job done correctly and well. You won't see me having fun around and not doing anything when support rooms are full of people. I will always do the job first and having fun when it's time for that.

In my opinion, respect is the most important out of all on this list. When being staff you need to respect the players the way you wish to be respected. Not having a huge ego is very important. If you are respectful to others you can benefit not only yourself but the whole community, also if you are respectful to others you are benefiting yourself by making friends which is really important in life.

You will never see me being inactive if I don't have a valid reason for it. I spend most of my free time on my PC. I love grinding and I will always work hard to achieve my goals, in this case, to get promoted but not only that my main goal is to help others and that's the main reason why I'm writing this application.

Teamwork is another really important ability for someone who is applying to be a staff member. Working with other people can lead to getting that job done in a shorter amount of time. In my past staffing experience, I had really good teamwork.

Learning Capability
I think the most important thing in life is to never stop learning. As much as I know already I’m always wailing to learn new things and will always try to learn as much as I can.

I’m always trying to be really nice to everyone because I don’t know what’s going on in their life. They might be living the best life or living the worst one I don’t know that’s why I’m always trying to be good to everyone and to motivate them.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
8, I personally think it’s impossible to be 10/10 and with that being said I think I am 8/10 because I'm matured, active, respectful.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

Additional Information?:
Yes, my mic is currently broken, so I need to wait some days (not sure when my new mic is coming)

sc0ttay best manager <3
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Re-apply once your mic works again as there's no reason to set you pending right now.