Denied TheRookies Staff Application

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New member
What is your current IGN (in-game name)? _TheRookie_
How old are you? 16
Are you fluent in English? Yes
What region are you from (NA/EU/AS/AU)? Eu
What is your Discord & Telegram? @RookieCup Do you have any past staff experience (include proof, explain your roles & responsibilities)?
➜ Admin- Factionslab
In 2022 I started to want to be a Staff Member on more populated servers, and this server Had around 250-300 players AVG, so i decided to start getting better at interviews and write a good application, and while I was there as it was one of my first big staffing position at first I struggled but then I got the hang of it, spending countless hours looking at tickets, and helping orginize tickets, when I was working on my own stuff, another responsibility was helping the "helpers" along there journey aswell. Overall at Factionslab, Is where I Learned to staff and where i gained most of my experience from. The server then shutdown Early 2023. So I was forced to find somewhere else to staff.

➜ Manager - CarribeanMC Some time after FactionsLab, I started to get interested into Carribean, After I got staff I then learned WAY more about staffing and more backend stuff, While I was there I was good enough to make it all the way to Manager, Although the server wasn't as big as my last one I was still prepared and well experienced, My main job was to look over the ranks below me and help them as they needed, I also had to handle tickets and every day the owners asked me to help them with some problems they encounter so that I can learn, but unfortunately after the year that I had staffed there they shut down.

Why do you want to be a staff member?
I want to become a staff member at SagePvP, when I saw how nice and helping that the staff team was to me and how welcoming that the players were, I really want to join the staff team so that I can give back to the community and help the staff team as much as I possibly can and help make SagePvP enjoyable and safe free space for all players where they can enjoy themselves without feeling harassed or feeling that they are getting bullied by others and I am to stop this and help make them feel safe. Overall, I want to give back to the community and staff team and help make SagePvP better place .

What makes you better than other applicants? I know my way around the server and with this I am able to help players in tickets with any questions that they have about the server and any other queries or problems they might be facing. Along with this I am a dedicated and passionate staff member meaning that I will put my all into helping the community and staff team. I am also quite experienced in staffing and this will help me to be mature and professional in tickets and I will be able to handle certain situations correctly. Some of my strengths are Maturity, Teamwork, professionalism and community engagement, some of my weaknesses are Second guessing my decisions.
How active can you be per day? 4-6 Hours daily
Can any current staff members vouch for you? no
Are you willing to learn to screenshare? Yes, I already know a little bit
Anything else you would like us to know? No, but thanks for reading my Application
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