Denied Swooths Staff Application

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IGN: Swooth

Age: 16

Timezone: GMT

Country: Ireland

Do you own a quality microphone?
Yes I do, My mic is very clear and cancels most of the background noise that comes from it. My mic is HyperX cloud revolver

Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?:
Yes I have all 3 of them , I use Discord and TS the most, But I can use all 3 as much as i can. Telegram-@Swooth, Discord-Swooth#0909

Do you have any previous staff experiences?: Yes,
HydraPvP- When I was 14 years old I was staff on the hydrapvp. I was always helping in ts and helping people in chat. . When hydra went through a long update they no longer accepted staff under the age of 14 and I was demoted. I think I collected a lot of experience because this was my first server I was ever staff on, I learned the basics of being as hcf
CavePVP - I was Trail-Mod on this small server called CavePVP. This was my main server hence I was always online catching every cheater I saw. I loved being staff on this server because I made friends with everyone on the server and it was an overall fun experience.

Why do you want to become staff?:
I want to be staff because I love making friends with the community and the server. I also love the experience of being a staff member. I think Sage is a great server for me to boost my staff experience because it is a active server and I believe I along with the other staff members can really make a difference to the server. After having all this experience I think moving on to sagepvp is a good idea. I also want to become a staff member on Sagepvp because I have a Youtube which i can record on , the quality is free good and I could do staff catching hackers.
Why should we accept you as staff?:
I think I should be accepted because as I said I'm from Ireland and hence I can be on EU times because I noticed that not a lot of staff members are on at that time. Even though I may be European I can speak fluent English and Lithuanian and a little bit of Russian. I can also flex my time table around NA times,I could put 30 hours minimum a week to the server. I believe that I should also be accepted because I am a mature person and take things seriously while still trying to have fun. I do not tolerate racism and cyber bullying what so ever.I am a non toxic person and I would never betray this server or other servers.I do not go around trash talking other servers and players nor do I go around and hack on other server. I am a trustworthy person and I can keep secrets, If someone tells me something that isn't right I will not hesitate to inform a higher staff member about it. I can record on the server which means I can stream, make staff series and record every ban so that if they come into TS I have proof of them hacking.I understand the staff commands and how to use them very well after being staff on 4 other servers, I am a non abusive staff member and I will not use any of these commands to abuse for friends or players in general. Finally I think I should be accepted because I HATE cheaters and I do not tolerate them. If i see a cheater I will give him the ban he deserves and if someone gets reported I will watch them for a good amount of time and will move on to banning them if I get sufficient proof.

Additional Information:
Trustworthy: I can be trusted with secrets and if I am told a bad secret I won't be afraid to tell a higher up staff member about it, I won't expose any of the server's secrets nor will I expose any players or staff members secrets if it is innocent.
Mature: After being staff on servers for almost 2 years I know not to interrupt people in support rooms, I would never barge into a support room and shout out I need help, I will always ask if the person is busy before joining / Asking for help. As I said before I will never tolerate cyber bullying of any kind and I won't do it myself. I will follow the rules on the server and I will make sure others do as well.
Active: I think being active is an important part of being a good staff member. I am on at least 30 hours a week which means I am on for basically every time zone, I think it would be good if i got accepted because I personally think when it is European times there are barely any staff on due to the fact that the NA's are in school. If ever I will not be online for a extended period of time I will inform other staff before so people don't think I just vanished in mid air.
I have played as many as 4 maps and I believe I have a good understanding of the server.

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