Denied StaffAPP - drilledlol


New member
IGN: drilledlol
Age: 17
Region: EU
Yes, I was admin on 2 servers, and Mod+ on one. I have resigned from all now.
I have all of summer and next year, and I just have a lot of free time that I can use to help people instead of being lazy.
Being fair, friendly, and kind. Also extremely active.
My honesty, honestly (funny) it would be a 10 cause lying just makes the situation worse for yourself so I barely ever lie unless it is neccecary.
Definitely. 12 hours per map is easy, I would easily break 40 for kitmap and for HCF I would break 15.
My phone broke, so a new one is arriving today and then I can get telegram (I will update the forum thread if I have permissions)
Discord: dwxae#7090


Veteran Member
I have reviewed your application. Unfortunately, it has been denied.
You may re-apply in 2 weeks.