Staff Application


What is your current IGN (in-game name)?
My IGN is Zaphing

How old are you?
I am 16 years old

Are you fluent in English?
Yes i am, my main language is Dutch but i can talk English fluently.

What region are you from (NA/EU/AS/AU)?
I am EU

What is your Discord & Telegram?
My discord is @zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. and my telegram is @Zaphingz

Do you have any past staff experience (include proof, explain your roles & responsibilities)?
Yes i do, i was a mod on a small server which is not big enough to mention.

Why do you want to be a staff member?
I think there is not always enough staff on, i think i can make change into this. Also i would like to be staff because i think i can help the players on. In my opinion the players on the server need a fair chance to play, people who cheat on the server make it so the fights are not fair. This is why i am willing to help and make the experience fair for everyone. I am able to work together as a staff team. I'm very creative so i can help sage with idea's so we can maybe get some more players online throughout the week.

What makes you better than other applicants?
Why i am better than other applicants, is that i am available almost every day and more hours then every other applicant. Other thing is that i have a lot more HCF Experience than other applicant and that is beneficial in my staffing, aswell as i am pretty known in the community and that is good because a good relation between players and staff works out well for the server. I believe i am a good fit for sagepvp and that is why you guys should accept me.

How active can you be per day?
I will be on the server 5-6 hours per day by myself and if someone asks me to be online i can get online almost all the time.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?
No, they can not

Are you willing to learn to screenshare?
Yes i am willing to learn, i think the servers needs more ss verified staff because there are a lot of cheaters who bypass the anti-cheat and are easy to detect if u spectate the fight. That is why i want to learn how to screenshare.

Anything else you would like us to know?