Denied Staff Application

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New member
IGN (In Game Name):

Age: 15

Timezone: Central US

Country: United States

Do you own a quality microphone?: Yes. Blue Yeti.

Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?: Yes all three. Discord: Nutsay#8220 Telegram: @Nootsay

Do you have any previous Staff Experience?:

[TRIAL-MOD) OpCraft (Resigned)

I was recently Trial-Mod on the server under the name of OpCraft. It was a decent server, just implemented screen sharing, etc. It's an OpFaction server with stacked items, factions, mcmmo, and lots of. I resigned due to the toxicity and immaturity of the staff team.
(Admin explaining how I should reply to questions players have if you need more proof reply need more proof down below, please.

[Moderator] HCFZones (Resigned)

I was Moderator on this server and resigned. It was an HCFServer that I was staff on and once the first owners gave the new owner ownership I resigned, due to him lacking maturity and work ethic. (Stealing Plugins, begging other staff for money to buy developers, and the server domain, and not doing any work and begging other staff to do work for him)
(No proof)


[Trainee] PvPTemple [Banned]

I was staff on PvPTemple for 2 days. It was a good experience until the end. I used to cheat, but due to becoming staff I quit cheating. And I got false banned by the anti-cheat for Killaura. And they wouldn't unblacklist me. Even when I had a video of it. I had a HUGE lag spike right before I got banned.

No proof. You can ask Temple admins or something though.

Why do you want to become Staff?:

I want to become staff on SagePvP because I think that I have a decent amount of experience on the SagePvP server AND staffing as a whole and could I think I could help the staff team and the server as a whole. Even with the experience I have, I want a chance to learn more. Becoming staff on this server would help me learn more about being staff, and how to handle situations better I think this could be a good learning experience for me. I’ve also been staff on some small HCF servers, that haven’t got more than 30 players on SOTW. I was recently staff on a server with around 300 players on during 4 PM EST. But, I’d like to be apart of one of the biggest HCF servers in history. The server is active, but I’ve noticed late at night there is not a lot of staff on; people don't get answers or help when players are asking questions, there are cheaters, and people are asking for help. I also want to help the server to become better. The server to become better. If someone messages me with a suggestion I will never hesitate to let a higher staff know, about what the community wants. I will always help the community’s opinions be heard and not silenced. A lot of staff on other servers and maybe even this server (not sure) think they’re better than everyone else. But, I think I’m equal to everyone. I won’t ignore helpops, questions, opinions, and reports. Also, as a player, you see so. Many. Cheaters. When you’re a staff you don’t usually witness it much, but as a player, you’re always on playing and are cheated against constantly. I think If I become staff I can help rid the servers of cheaters. Finally, I want to be apart of a GOOD community! I want to start being active on the forums, and if I get helper I’ll start being active in TeamSpeak, in-game, and discord. Answering questions, reports, and read people's staff applications and give my honest opinion.

Why should we accept you as a Staff?:

I have a decent experience of staffing on several other servers. I know all the ins and outs of how to be a good staff, the right things to do in situations, etc.

I won’t expose any of the server’s secrets nor will I expose any player's or staff member's secrets if they’re innocent.

Maturity. Maturity plays a huge role in being a staff. Whether you are mature or not, can determine whether you are a staff or not on a server. I like to think of myself as a very mature person. After being staff on servers for a good amount of time. I will never cyberbully or tolerate cyberbullying of any kind. I will follow the rules staff or not on the server and make sure everyone does as well. I am not biased towards anyone, friends, or not. I will punish everyone equally

I think being active is an important part of being a good staff member. I am on at least 45 hours or more a week, which means I am on for most time zones. I think it would be good if I got accepted because I think when It’s very very late for other staff I could be on.

Even though I have been staff on 2 different servers I believe that I can still learn and gain more experience

Although there is always a time to joke around if It’s not that time I will be serious. Yes, I may make some jokes. But, in serious situations, I will be serious. There is a time for joking and a time to be serious.

I am not and never will be a toxic person, I don’t like toxic people and I will try to make this community better. I will not get upset if another staff gets promoted before me instead I will congratulate them even if they were somewhat rude to me before.

After all this I just wanted to say at some times I am an extremely fun and uplifting person, even though I said I am serious (I am) I do have a fun side to me. I think the fact Minecraft is a game means the people who play it have fun, and I hope that I can have fun while being staff on this server (if I get accepted) because I’ve had an extreme amount of fun on the server as a regular joe.


Experience is really important to be staff on any server really. If you don’t have experience you won’t know how to handle certain situations. You will have to learn the commands and the tempmute/tempban times and reasons, which will take time.

Trustworthiness is important to be a staff on any server. If you’re a staff you need to make sure you don’t reveal any server, play, and/or staff’s secrets. Revealing any secrets no matter the severity could harm players, staff, and/or the SERVER as a whole.

Maturity. It is essential. If you are not mature at all you have no place on ANY staff team. If you want to be staff, you have to be mature. If you aren’t mature it will bring you, the server, and the staff team a bad look. It will show the players the server has “bad staff” even though it might be just one staff and that will hurt the reputation of the staff team, the server, and the staff involved.

If you aren’t active It’s simple. You aren’t ANY help. And you should not even be staff in the first place. All it is, is a waste of a spot on the staff team.

Education. No, I’m not talking about school education, more about knowing how to staff. If you don’t know how to staff whatsoever it will be hard for you to staff and you will make small and maybe big mistakes along the way.

You need to be serious if you are a staff. Yes, you can be fun sometimes, and joke around sometimes, but when it comes to banning, muting, staff meetings, server drama, ect. You NEED to be serious.

Being a staff and being toxic don’t go hand in hand. If you are toxic as a staff, you show all the players, as well as the other staff that you are immature and have no place on the staff team.

If you are a staff you need to be fun sometimes. It will limit how toxic the community at times.

Can any staff member vouch for you?: No

Additional Information: My name is cole I'm 15. I play basketball. And I'm a Sophmore.​
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