Denied Staff Application

↬ IGN (In-Game Name):
↬ Age:
↬ Region (EU/NA/Other):
↬ Do you have any previous staff experience?: Admin
GinixNetwork Admin
DeltaHCF Sr Mod
Spacepvp - Sr.Mod
VexorNetwork Mod+
Steelpvp Mod + - Mod +
Extremecraft Mod
HistoricPvP Mod
SimplyHCF Mod
Coldnetwork T-mod
VoidHCF Trial-Mod
ComplexPvP Trial-Mod
Carnagepvp Mod

↬ Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I want to become staff on sage because I see sage growing in general and I want to become apart of this community before it goes out of my league ( too difficult to acquire staff on) I enjoy Sage in general because it has dedicated staff members and staff members that know what their doing and I would like to upload videos on sage considering I get good ping and the KB isn't bad compared to other servers , Adding to all of that sage seems like a genuine place to staff on and enjoy not like most server that don't allow staff members to play.
↬ If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
I can be very active on times where most staff wont be that active , I can be very honest I do not hide stuff from higher-up staff members If I do something wrong Ill fess up about it to someone knowing the consequences , I know what I am capable of and I will work with what you give me at hand ( not promoting someone for a while is a example ) , I would consider my timezone to be quite good I am technically every single timezone GMT +4 ( Considering that there is regional timezones) , Adding to all of that I know arabic as a second language and I am currently learning French as a 3rd language , I know some spanish but I am not that fluent in it , I like to put effort into anything that I like doing. I will be respectful and patient with the players making sure I get all the correct information needed before I make my next move. I will improve the players experiences by getting rid of any rule breakers from the SagePvP . I will also make it one of my mission to minimize the waiting time in Support rooms. I know what it is like to wait hours for a staff member`s assistance. If something is not right. If something is not done correctly, I like to make sure it is done correctly and I will not feel good if a player leaves unsatisfied . Also I will take neutral opinion on every situation. I will accept any advice and I will actually try to improve from that given advise.


I am a very helpful person, I really enjoy helping others and making sure everyone is satisfied with the server and the staff. I am a very trustworthy person I will abide by what I am told to do.

I am very active throughout the day and night. I can put in 6-8 hours every day helping out the server, people, doing support rooms, and helping players that need help in general . I think being active is a good way to get closer to people in the community

I think sage has alot and I mean alot of potential and in general, I wish to help them grow and when the community grows enough I want to be proud that I am apart of this community

I am very mature. I have self-control and can contain my temper. I don't get mad when I die or when something doesn't go my way. I keep my cool and never go all out on someone. I make sure to remain calm in every situation I can and handle it to the best of my ability. If you aren't mature as a staff member you could hurt someone's feelings, make them feel not welcome, lead them to believe nobody cares about them.

⤣Hard Working⤤
I work hard with any task that is given/assigned to me. I do anything and everything to the best of my ability, and I work hard to complete tasks and jobs that I hate.

I always very focused on my goal for whatever my goal may be. When given a task, I would make it m) goal complete that task and do it well.

If accepted to become a staff member on SagePvP I would put all of my effort, time, and skills to work for the server and the players of the server. If accepted, I would not leave or become inactive for most anything.

I have used many forms of communication such as Teamspeak, discord, telegram, and much more. There are many ways that you can contact me and I can contact others, I have all the communication programs above and more.

↬ If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
I would rate my honesty at a 8.5 because like mentioned before I will own up to something I did and I will accepted the consequences of that being a demoting or whatever is given at hand , As a muslim honestly is a big thing in our religion so lying is breaking my religion's rule
↬ Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)
Sequos / LeoIsGod_
↬ Can you meet the weekly requirement of a minimum of 16 hours playtime per map? (If you cannot meet this then your application will automatically be denied.)
I am more than positive that I can meet that requirement even double in many occasions
↬ What is your telegram @?:
↬ What is your discord @?:
↬ Additional Information (optional)?:
That's all.​
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