Denied Staff Application.


New member
Hello Who ever reads . my ign is IErorr and would love to be staff on the sage pvp network. I have lots of experience as a screen sharing on and was some of the most fun I've ever had on hcf or minecraft in general. Sage being as well know as it is and having a wide range of players would be super fun to staff on. Banning a cheating means the server is slowly running smoother than it already is, i have little experience as a Full team staff instead of screen sharing but would be willing to get to meet everyone and make the server a better place. Im 16 years old and EU. if i was accepted i would make sure the players experience is enhanced by me being there and will make sure i make a difference. I'm Being 100% honest with everything in this short Application. Hopefully i get the opportunity to be accepted


Sorry, but unfortunately we won't be moving forward with your application. You may re-appeal in 2 weeks time.