Denied Staff Application - ImJayfon

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New member

My real name is Emil.

Thank you, I hope you enjoy the application.

Staff Application Format:
IGN (In-Game Name):

My IGN is ImJayfon, recently just changed it and I won't change it again.
I also have a few other alts, but they will not be used on Sage.


I'm 15, and turn 16. 26th february.
Nothing more to say.

Region (EU/NA/Other):

I live in Denmark, which is a part of EU. My Timezone is (GMT+2).

Do you have any previous staff experience?:

I do have a lot, both on HCF servers but also Multigames servers, and kitpvp servers.
I'll list it down below.

(Name of server)
(Rank on the server)
(How long)
(Why I'm not anymore)
(Amount Players)

1,5 year.
It was dying, and the owner choose to give up on the server and sell it to someone, who changed up the servers gamemode. He changed it up, and added a prison which I didn't really like back in the time.
(100-200+ players)

Developer, Admin, Head-Admin.
3 Months
Again... The server owner choose to give up on the server, and asked if I wanted to buy it, but I didn't have enough money for it. So they decided to just close the server, and to never open it again.
(30+ Players)

1 Month
The server was also dying but it did great, and had a lot of players.
(50+ Players)

2 Months
Got into this argument with the Owner, he wanted to change up the prices and make everything overprized which I highly disagreed with him on, so he decided to demote me.
(20+ players)

I've been staff on many other servers as well, these are just some of the servers that I remember being staff on. And! I've been staff on a lot of other servers with 50+ players. So yes, I do have a good amount of experience, and yes I know that I only added 1x HCF server on the list. But It's the only HCF name I remember. But I can promise you, that I've been Admin on multiple HCF servers.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

First of all, I love the server! And I would love to make a staff series, at the moment I've youtuber, and later on I might get partner. I personally find staff-series insanely interesting, and I think it would be funny to make one my self. Second of all, I love the staff team on the server, and I would love to be a part of it. It seems both professional and funny. I would also just like to help out the server, and maybe even help it become even more hacker-free. I also love SS'ing, and I would say I know a thing or two about it, and I really love catching cheaters, especially the ones who said that they don't cheat, but at the end you find their "undetectable" cheat. I also love helping in the HCF community, since recently it's becoming very toxic, and it would be nice to help SagePvP get rid of some of the toxic players, and not that SagePvP is filled up with the toxic players, because it's actually one of the HCF servers with less toxic players. And that's really impress done by the staff team of Sage.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

First of all, I would be as professional as I can be. That means absolutely NO swearing in any support rooms no matter the cause. I would also be giving a lot of recommendations, and to be straight I would just do my very best to understand their situation, since that's the easiest way to help out. If you're not sitting yourself into their situation it might be harder for you to figure out a fair solution. I would also be very active in the support rooms, to give the player's the experience of fast support (Not that it's not fast right now, but it can always get better). And that's how I would improve the player's experience.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

I would give myself a great 8, I usually don't see any reason to lie, and I wouldn't lie about any staff cases, or in any staff cases. I'm rating my self 8, because of IRL, I wouldn't really lie either, unless it was something that a person really shouldn't hear. An example could be, if someone said "Kian, you're a f*t f*ck, and you don't have a reason to be here, noone likes you!". And the person didn't hear it, then yes I would lie to him and just act like nothing happened. But again, I wouldn't lie about a staff case, or in a staff case. That's why I rate my self a good 8.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

Vouch? Well, I'm not sure it's getting vouched, but I have a few staff members that I think like me. One of them is a manager, not scott. But the other one! I'm so sorry that I can't remember your name, but you have to know that you're a king.

Additional Information?:


I would like to thank everyone that reads this, I hope you have a great day.

Best Regards.


Application pending.

Please message me on telegram for more information.

My telegram is @ImElway.

The final decision will be made in teamspeak.
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