Denied Staff Application - @IHDX2 IHDX2#1929


New member
IGN (In-Game Name): IHDX2
Region (EU/NA/Other): EU GMT+3
Do you have any previous staff experience?: DragonHCF Owner-HellsPvP Owner-sr.admin pvp leauge - blockmc mod- solarhcf Sr.mod- crimson T-Mod
Why would you like to become a staff member?:

SagePvP is a server that has a friendly community and a solid staff team, What they are doing as a server is great and I want to be apart of that, I love the way the pvp is, the knockback, pearls and the partner items are creative And as a staff member, I want to help make the server even better, and share opinions and suggestions to help create an amazing HCF server. I have so many ideas and I would love to be apart of the community, as a staff member I am super dedicated and I would love to put that dedication and activity towards SagePvP I also love to help people and find nothing more satisfying, I would love to make sure that everyone is happy and having a great time on Sage! as that's what HCF is all about, I would love to help maintain the level of fun that is already at sage, and as a staff member also bring some new qualities over to Sage which I hope would be beneficial! As I see a lot of qualities that I think are great but also could be improved! as no server is perfect, although as a staff member I would love to try make Sage as close to perfect as a server can be. This is why I would love to be apart of the SagePvP staff team.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience? Mentioned Above
If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

7-10 Because I Have
I am an extremely dedicated staff member, I try to work super hard and achieve the most I can as a staff member, I strive for the best and will never be satisfied until I become the best staff member I can be, whether that Is helping players to punishing cheaters, I need to be as professional, friendly and respectful as I can be and try to be as close to perfect as possible, as a staff member and as a person.


Activity is one of my strongest traits, I also believe that it is one of the more important ones as your not much of a staff member if you hardly play the server! I love working hard and spending as much time helping out as much as humanly possible.


I know you're probably thinking "he's only been staff on small servers he isn't very experienced" And I know it looks that way but hear me out. I am a super-fast learner and I love to learn from my mentors, and I've been doing that for every server I've been staff on, And When I make mistakes I learn from them to make sure that I become even better! I've learned a lot from my past experience and now want to take that experience and become even more experienced! and bounce back from any difficulties I might face.


In my opinion, Responsibility Is a requirement for a Great staff member, as if you weren't responsible for your actions you wouldn't be able to accept that you made a mistake and learn from it, to have a sense of responsibility is also to be organized and being organized is also what makes a great staff member, I can say that these are traits I possess.

Although I'm 15, I'm mature and along with being mature I'm also really professional, No-one likes an immature person, Especially me, and It's good when it comes to being a staff member because I'm naturally mature, In saying that I also like to have a joke! although when it comes to handling situations I believe you should stay mature at all times, which I do great at.

Integrity, something that I think is important, Being a staff member is a privilege and as a staff member you should always be doing the right thing, and I'll admit, I made some mistakes that weren't the smartest thing I've ever done, but I've learned from that and became a better staff member and a better person, and of course, I look to become even better!

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)No
Additional Information?: I love working hard and doing anything possible to help, given the set of qualities I've given you I hope I've convinced you to give me a chance at becoming part of the SagePvP community, thanks for your time.


Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with it at this time