Denied Staff application - EU


Staff Application Format:
IGN (In-Game Name):


Region (EU/NA/Other):


Do you have any previous staff experience?:

I have but server was never released due to problems with the owner. Still have a lot of knowledge about staffing and HCF staffing

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I have been around the Sagepvp network for about almost 2 years. I know almost every rule of sagepvp HCF whatever it's kits I've been thru a lot of stuff on sage whenever it's being frozen or getting banned or going teamspeak to complain on a bug or getting a player banned I really do think I am ready to become a staff member on this network I had a lot of fun on this server as a player who actually played this most of my free time I used to spend over 40$ on sotw's since I had so much fun My friends as well told me before to try to become a staff member on here. I would love to assist the staff team on this server and players and help out the community, Forums, Server, teamspeak. I wanna give a huge reputation to the server, I am here for anyone in need of assistance Incase any problems happens during the day or night. me my self I know the position of a staff member and what I should do I think I am very mature for my age even tho It's kind of young, that's why I would like to become a staff member.

(Truthful) being truthful is very big when it's about staffing. If you are truthful you gain more trust of other staffs / players and I was not truthful at some points when I was staff, but now I stand up by my own and willing to Fix all my mistakes.

(Faithful) being faithful ,kind ,friendly is a very important when it becomes for being staff. If you are very Rude to other players or staff members they would not like being around you and they would be treating the same way as you do to them. For example If I approach to you talking loudly and being mean to you would assume me as a Rude guy who doesn't like talking to people and I won't be that Guy I know how to control my anger problems.

(being active) Me my self I am very active on everything when it becomes being staffing I would not miss any Staff meetings and more things that I should be at. If I was someone who weren't active I would tell my self to become a active staff, Or I wouldn't be deserving this staff role, and it's a waste of time.

(Improving) I think improving is actually the most important thing on this list what I'm saying is with being more active and helping other players you're improving More actually, and improving can get roles or staffing leveling higher and becoming more great success On this network.

(Teamwork) I think without teamwork nothing can be done perfectly me my self being with a team makes me work better and stronger and it's improving me much better at becoming a great staff member on this network. I have been lately working with my irl friends in a team group and it's turns out I improved more when I team worked with other people.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

If I get accepted I would improve the player experience by being on the server more than 8 hours a day I got a lot of time on my day so I would be staffing on sagepvp, I would be watching around making sure the server is clean as it should be Looking for cheaters looking for glitchers or abusers, As I said before I know almost every rule on sagepvp HCF or Kits I would also be doing teamspeak support rooms I would be interesting the player with kindness and being helpful to him trying to help other players to figure out a problem or ban people who glitched in on him or his voucher didn't work and more I would try my best to make them have a great time on the sagepvp network. I will try to become professional at being staff on sage since I wanna take this journey serious and not as a joke Like in the past, But I would still be laughing around and being nice to other staff member. I am very calm during interviews and not panicking about what staff are telling me I would stay silent answering questions and not being loud and screaming. But one thing is I never dealt with anything with screen sharing players would be willing to learn tho.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

I would say probably a 8-9 I have never been thru a staffing server such as a HCF server but I know big knowledge about every staffing rules and why not 10?
as I said * HONESTY* I think no one can be perfect anyone got some wrong issues on their jobs to do Even my self too. even tho I rated my self a 8 I still think I have the gateway for this job. Like becoming a great staff member and being known on this server making new friends and making good team work and achieving Succession.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?:

mmylo and Maybe 2x12.

Additional Information?:

Thanks for reading my staff application :)


Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with it at this time