Denied Staff Application (EU) Togethersjr

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New member
IGN (In-Game Name): My ign is Togethersjr
Age: i am at the moment15 years old
Region (EU/NA/Other):im from eu the netherlands
Do you have any previous staff experience?: I got staff experience on and i was staff on a dutch uhcf server mantamc
Why would you like to become a staff member?: i would like to become a staff member on sagepvp bcs it has a nice community its a active and a good hcf server and i love helping people
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: i would help them as fast as posible i would helpthe server grow make it so they are happy when i helpt them
If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? i would rate myself like a 7 why? bcs im very patient i love helping people its the thing i like to do when i help someone and i see them happy after
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) No i dont think so
Additional Information?: i would love to become staff on sagepvp and i hope you guys accept my application and give it a chance


Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with it at this time.
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