Denied SmogX's Staff Application


New member
SmogX’s Staff Application:

Summary :

I – About me​

II -My staff experience​

III - Why would I became a staff member?​

IV - If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?​

V - If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?​

VI - Can any current staff members vouch for you?​

VII – Additional information’s​

I - Welcome to the SmogX’s staff application, I would appreciate a lot if you could read fully my application so have a great idea of who I am exactly. To begin, my name is Nicolas, I am 18 years old and I am actually studying computer science in a professional school. I also follow a business class online 2 times a week after my computer science classes. I know how to program stuff with C#, I can make internet websites by my own and I know pretty much everything related to computers and technologies. I live in Canada in the province of Quebec where we mainly speak French and English at the same time cause we learn it at school. I have learned mainly to speak and write English by playing Minecraft and other video games so sorry for all the mistakes I will do in this application, I hope you people will understand me at least. I also got a great mindset in term of business and I am actually working on a project with a friend where we would like to open a gaming bar in Montreal. Working on my projects and my objectives are more than important to me because I love to reach all of my goals in life. It is doing around 7 years that I play Minecraft now, I used to play many French Factions servers but now I decided to fully dedicate myself to HCF. My YouTube channel was also dedicated to French Faction servers but I decided with my partner to switch this up to only HCF and English videos even If I did many HCF videos already on my channel in the past.

II - For my staff experience, I got a lot of knowledge in my opinion; I have been staff on HCF servers, Faction servers and KitPvP servers. I created 2 times my own server but never finished them cause I was the only one in my team working hard on it so I got desperate but I still know how to do these. Here is a list of all the servers where I was staffing on.

  • kFaction (Helper), Got fired for not giving chances to people and being too rude. I mean that’s what I think cause they kicked me without saying nothing even If I asked the reason of my kick. (French Faction Server)
  • Icarya (Mod), Resigned, the server was dying and there was nothing to staff on so I got bored. (French Faction Server)
  • CathedralHCF (Senior Mod), Resigned, The owner gave fake payouts and was botting the server. He even sent me a fake 250$ after being top 1 of the server factions.
  • FaithfulMC (Translator), Resigned, I was translating for about 3 months on faithfulmc teamspeak, it was nice.
  • Erazion (Mod) It is the biggest French faction server at the moment, they are discord partnered and got over 5k people on it. I’m actually a mod on it but the server is closed so I’m waiting for their new version. I do not have any information’s on when it will be back opened.
  • ProjectPvP (Media Manager) This is a kitpvp server who Is actually getting developed.
  • Krakozia & Zilonia (Helper) Those 2 french faction servers are owned by the same guy and both of them are closed.
III - The reason I think I would be a big advantage to you staff team is that I can be a multi task tool. I do not have any difficulties to talk with my co-workers and I love team working. I love to have fun and make jokes and I will definitely give a funny dynamic mood to our team. When I am focusing on my work I can do incredible things and I would love to serve and make this server the better it can be. Making enemies is my last goal in life; I love to be in Harmonia with everyone. Good coordination is important in a staff team and respect is more than important to me. I respect everyone but I would like that everyone respect me back. A big + for me is that I got a really flexible schedule. I’m actually school free every Friday each 2 weeks approximately. I work at McDonald’s the weekend Friday and Saturday from 10 PM to 6 AM (Night shift). And my school schedule is from 8:15 AM to 15:45 PM EST. After school I can put around 5 to 6 hours into the server and I love to clean up the discord I was staffing on with my computer at school that I use 100% of my time. I also got access to any forums, telegram, discord, teamspeak (phone version) and more at school. Basically, I am always available to help our server when I’m not sleeping ;). Here is a quick list of my quality and default.


  • Love team work
  • Punctual
  • Friendly
  • Sociable
  • Generous
  • I love to expend my knowledge and to be able to do everything by myself
  • Active
  • Perfectionist

  • I got attention troubles
  • I always want to do more than everyone
  • Too much friendly sometimes
  • Jealous

IV - If I get accepted, I would definitely improve our players experience because I would be super responsive, I would do my best to ban all those cheaters and keep a clean chat where players can write properly. I would also help everyone on discord and TeamSpeak as soon as I can. I love to have fun and laugh with players and make a good dynamic in the chat. Helping people is a thing that I love to do even IN-GAME or IN-REAL-LIFE. I did a lot of volunteering in my life to help others and make others happy because this is what makes me happy in life. I want everyone to feel safe on the server and have the most fun everyone’s deserve.

V - If I give a rate to my honesty on 10, it would be a 9 cause in my opinion nobody is perfect but since I’m a kid I can’t lie to people it just makes me feel so bad and insupportable. When I think something about someone, I do not lie and I go straight to the point respectfully of course. I love when things are fair and I hate more then everything liar and snakes. I am a loyal person and when I say I will do something, I do it and I never complain.

VI - I don’t really had the time to talk with a lot of staff from the server but I think I got a great relation with Corteh and I also think that JJ saw my implication into my role of Famous.

VII – If you are looking to contact me:

Telegram: SM0GX

Discord: SmogX#0001

TeamSpeak: SmogX

Minecraft: SmogX

Email: ask me J

Kind regards, SmogX

PS: Please let my know by replying to this post if you think I should add some stuff or how could I make it better, this took me a lot of time to make and I want it to be perfect.

Words : 1231​


New member
-1 hes a neek


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New member
Seems like a nice application, kinda confused me a bit at first but other than that add proof of your past experience.


Denied. Please use the correct format. You may re-apply in 2 weeks.