Denied Saik8 Staff app


New member
IGN (In-Game Name):


Region (EU/NA/Other):
EU (UTC+1)

Do you have any previous staff experience?:
I want to say I never knew i would need to make a screenshot of my staff experience so i don't have but i can show the Dm of telegram that i got set on pending.
ViperMC Rank: Chat-Mod Proof
Certix.CC Rank Mod+ Proof

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I want to become staff on SagePvP, because I see this as an enormous opportunity to grow as an individual and as a staff member. I have been in this community for quite a while. I am very active and social with chat, I have met a whole bunch of friends and people in general playing SagePvP. I really enjoy playing SagePvP, I play quite a lot with my friends just messing around running into bases. I honestly just think the community is quite an awesome majority of people are super cool and nice, unlike other HCF servers where people are super toxic. I enjoy how the server is set up and the way the staff team is consistently online, and helping people that need help. But I think that they could need some more assistance for the server to make it even better which is why I'm applying, to help it get bigger and better than it already is. I think that I would be a good candidate for SagePvP ,because I have the motivation to put time and effort into the server and strive for only the best work. I just really enjoy the community that SagePvP has built over time, I am very good when It comes to stressful situations and I am a problem solver, If there is something I do not know I could pick it up really easily. I learn very fast and I'm a very good listener. I can work with pretty much anyone in any situation. I love to improve my skill and take feedback from others. I am very positive and just an all-around chill person to be around. Another reason why I think I would be fit for the team is that I am a very mature person, I know when it's time to be serious, I put my best effort into helping others. I try to make sure I correct my mistakes and not act unprofessionally in any situation. I will always take criticism and improve myself and strive to be better and work on things I need to work on. I know I do not have a lot of experience, But I always put 100% into anything I do and I am willing to learn, ask questions, be better, and just all-around work on things I need to work on no matter what. I want to be able to show people HCF isn't just about toxicity, I want it to be a fun place for people to play and have fun. I am very active and I think that would help me get to know the community a bit better, just being active being in support rooms assisting people when it is needed. I'm very reliable and I am someone you can count on all the time. If anyone asks me questions I am here to help and answer their questions to the best of my ability.


I am a very helpful person, I really enjoy helping others and making sure everyone is satisfied with the server and the staff. I am a very trustworthy person I will abide by what I am told to do.


I am very motivated to help the server and people in any way I can, I really enjoy SagePvP and I see so much potential in it. I just really enjoy staffing and helping other people and just getting to know people in the community.


I am very active throughout the day and night. I can put in 4-6 hours every day helping out the server, people, doing support rooms, and answering questions that people may have to the best of my ability. I think being active is a good way to get closer to people in the community and a good way to let people know I am here if they need help.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I'm a very hard-working person which will never think or believe in "giving up" I don't believe in that as it makes you look weak and if you do give up it will also mean that you've failed your task. I will help every single person I see that requests help, I don't mind if they're being toxic, annoying, or funny. I will bring plenty of suggestions in the future, help other staff members who are new to "staffing" or who are struggling with situations such as dtr evasion and it's a back and forth screaming, arguing and etc. It's a pain but it can easily be resolved, I do have strong leadership.
I am very respectful. Respect is everything, this shows that you care about a player or the member's problem. This is also with a player, they may become upset that you're either not listening to what they're saying or you're just completely ignoring them. I am a very motivated person and love to motivate others, if it is helping someone in TeamSpeak or in-game I strive to do my best to help and resolve their inconvenience.

I love to chat, and see what's going on with other players whether it be in-game or in TeamSpeak. I love to socialize with others as it makes the job much more fun and interesting. Making sure that you keep up-to-date with the community also eliminates any misinterpretations players or even staff may have of you. Furthermore, I want to become staff since I need to have the option to assist the server with developing and extending, if players realize the staff group is acceptable and settle on the correct choices then it will definitely profit the player's experience. Which would be crucial. I know causing the server to develop will be a test, however, the more I actually staff, I want to assist to an increasing extent. Moreover, I've in every case truly appreciated being staff on servers, HCF servers particularly, however. It gives me an incredible feeling of pride realizing that I'm representing a server. Being a staff part is about something beyond the label it gives you, it's tied in with having pride in the work you do and being completely devoted to it, I have a feeling that I'm prepared to do both of those things and that is the reason I've decided to apply now.

I'm generally excellent in a various assortment of circumstances and I see how to deal with them appropriately. This is because of all of my experiences as a staff member and others helping me out. I will follow every one of the rules while muting, banning, and warning a player on SagePvP. My inspiration is every one of the issues and toxic HCF networks particularly the ones that can end up with the server going bad or vanishing. I love HCF and helping individuals.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

10, I am extremely honest. I will never lie to any staff or players, and will always tell the truth whether I like it or not. I also always provide evident and clear proof for all punishments that I'm required to provide proof for.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: Not sure.


Additional Information?:
Monday's: 2PM EST - 4PM EST
Tuesday's: 2PM EST- 4PM EST
Wednesday's: 2PM EST - 4PM EST
Thursday's: 12PM EST - 4PM EST
Friday': 2PM EST - 4PM EST
I could be eaelyer online if i am done with school. But these are the main times i will be online 100%
I Speak 3 Languages Fluently Those are: Dutch English And arabic.

Discord: Saik8#4378


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this!​




i recognize these staff proof images before, 100% have seen them around somewhere and definitely wasn't you.


If u see my previous apply it is the same apply i copy pasted it since i got accepted but denied in interview now 2 week later i think i am ready for the interview and wanted to do it over again.
k well this is literally just copy & pasted from your denied app from 2 weeks ago, so this doesn't help your case.

you shouldn't just copy & paste your denied app and use it in your new one.


New member
k well this is literally just copy & pasted from your denied app from 2 weeks ago, so this doesn't help your case.

you shouldn't just copy & paste your denied app and use it in your new one.
It was denied in my staff interview. My application was accepted.


Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with it at this time.