Denied SagePvP - Staff Application Icy


New member
↬ IGN (In-Game Name): IcyL0L_

↬ Age: 15

↬ Region (EU/NA/Other): NA

↬ Do you have any previous staff experience?: | Media Owner | (RESIGNED) - Resigned Due To The Owner Being Toxic & Botting Servers
KioPvP | Media Owner | (DEMOTED) - Demoted Due To Not Posting Videos Or Bring Medias In
ExodusMC | Helper | (RESIGNED) - Resigned Due To The Staff Forcing Us To Play A Lot And Be Very Active
AppleMC | Helper | (RESIGNED) - Resigned Due To Bunch of Cracked Accounts Hacking
LushPvP | Trial Mod | (ACTIVE) - Still At LushPvP But Server Is Closing Due To Activitys
FireMC | Mod | (RESIGNED) - Resigned Due To Based Spanish Server And There Wasn't A Bunch Of American Players Online
SnowCloud | Helper / Jr. Mod | (DEMOTED) - Demoted Due To Activity.
PearMC | Owner | Active - Founder & CEO of PearMC a 1.20 Server Soon Gonna Be Marketed As #1.

↬ Why would you like to become a staff member?: Since I've been a OG here at SagePvP and used to be a YouTube rank player but now I would like to join back in New SagePvP as staff. I have a bunch of experience on 1.18 - 1.20 servers but not as much on 1.8.9 servers and would like to expand my experiences and see what I can handle in staffing a 1.8.9 server. I also want to help the players here that would need assistant or need to report a bug / hacker. I will also make sure nobody says racist slurs in chat or are really toxic. And would like to help the community stay clean but have fun on the server!

↬ If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: Well a way I would improve players experiences is I would first tell them to create a Faction Name doing (/f create (name). And tell them to do (/freerank) so that they can gain a free VIP rank on the server once they've joined in. And then I'll say do (/reclaim) to get some goodies that can help them on their journey. Lastly I will say if there is a partner on the server you enjoy watching do (/redeem [partner's name]) so that they can get some partner bundles.

↬ If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? 9.1/10, reason being is due to me owning some large networks and being staff on a lot of servers I cannot lie or I'll have a horrible staff record.

↬ Can any current staff members vouch for you?: N/A

↬ How active can you be (Hours per day): 2-5 Hours A Day

↬ What is your discord and telegram @?: My discord is 1cyy. Telegram is @Icy

↬ Additional Information (optional): N/A


Known member
-1 Add more detail, and show some proof of you owning those ranks previously. Add more detail & show proof and I will change this.


Well-known member
Unfortunately, we will not be moving forwards with your staff application at this time.

Please feel free to re-apply in the future.